I don't understand why people go to casinos...
Actually, that's not true... I understand the initial motivation. However, I don't understand how the people - in question - can be so nieve for so long.
This coming from, after the bars last night, a buddy and I went to the casino. I watched him blow three hundred bucks at the craps tables. The tragic thing is he was ahead six hundred at one point. It seemed though that he couldn't leave the casino untill he lost it all. That's what I don't understand.
It's the only time when money loses it's value in a way. It's kinda contradictory. Greed compels you to play, but once you're in the game the money becomes inconsequencial. It's seems the only desire is to finish the game. But the game is only really finished if you lose, if you keep winning the game goes on for ever. I don't know this might not be right, I'm going to think about it some more.
I didn't bet all. They didn't have my vice there: poker. They don't have poker in the casinos round here. Good thing for me, I'd probably be as stupid as my friend was last night.
Anywho, I must be feeling better because I woke up early this morning and spent the time studying and I enjoyed, which I haven't been able to say for a while. I think it's because all the pressure is gone... since I made the decision to leave this place at the end of this year.
I found a great way to relieve stress in ones' life:
If you're a girl...
play with your
If you're a guy...
spank your
Actually, that's not true... I understand the initial motivation. However, I don't understand how the people - in question - can be so nieve for so long.
This coming from, after the bars last night, a buddy and I went to the casino. I watched him blow three hundred bucks at the craps tables. The tragic thing is he was ahead six hundred at one point. It seemed though that he couldn't leave the casino untill he lost it all. That's what I don't understand.
It's the only time when money loses it's value in a way. It's kinda contradictory. Greed compels you to play, but once you're in the game the money becomes inconsequencial. It's seems the only desire is to finish the game. But the game is only really finished if you lose, if you keep winning the game goes on for ever. I don't know this might not be right, I'm going to think about it some more.
I didn't bet all. They didn't have my vice there: poker. They don't have poker in the casinos round here. Good thing for me, I'd probably be as stupid as my friend was last night.
Anywho, I must be feeling better because I woke up early this morning and spent the time studying and I enjoyed, which I haven't been able to say for a while. I think it's because all the pressure is gone... since I made the decision to leave this place at the end of this year.
I found a great way to relieve stress in ones' life:
If you're a girl...
play with your

If you're a guy...
spank your

i love my shower now....alot.
he he....
so it's funny you mention the gambling thing because i was just talking to my roomie about it last night... they have these computerized gambling games at the bar we were at last night and she said to me, "i don't know why i keep playing, but i do!" the answer is simple...from a behaviorist perspective anyway...
behaviors that are rewarded are more likely to re-occur in similar situations, behaviors that are not rewarded (punished) are less likely to re-occur in similar situations. people become hooked into gambling because when you are gambling, you are being rewarded on a variable intermittent reinforcement scale, which basically means you can not predict when you will be reinforced-when you will be winning. So the behavior continues; you keep betting....all because you really don't know when you are going to win or lose...
anticipating money/winning unfortnately is rewarding to most people in our society.
and as far as masturbating is concerned... well pretty much every time you do it, you are rewarded so you just keep on doin it....
It works so well.
Anyways, I've never been to a casino, but I'll be 21 on wednesday, and maybe I'll go just to go.
take care of yourself.