I was stressing myself out over an exam I thought I had this morning... turns out it's not till friday. I spent the last 10 hours reading non-stop and now my eyes will hardly focus. I still have a different exam... but it's more slacker friendly. That's not true. The truth is that I think I might be trying to do too much again... I have a tendency to do that.
Often things, while it's in my head, theoretically seems like a piece of cake. However, when you throw life into the picture it all gets fucked up. Oh well, I'll sleep well tonight; I didn't last night.
Here's a poem it might be written for you
A gentle cool breeze
Whispers of a serene melody
Your voice
Majestic depth of the ocean
Inviting valley of serenity
Your eyes
Mountain of indestructible countenance
Flowing river of grace and creativity
Your strength
Sun that warms your very soul
Ascending cloud of piety
Your compassion
Gentle spring soothing rain
An eternal flame burning unpretentiously
Your love I love you

Often things, while it's in my head, theoretically seems like a piece of cake. However, when you throw life into the picture it all gets fucked up. Oh well, I'll sleep well tonight; I didn't last night.

Here's a poem it might be written for you

A gentle cool breeze
Whispers of a serene melody
Your voice
Majestic depth of the ocean
Inviting valley of serenity
Your eyes
Mountain of indestructible countenance
Flowing river of grace and creativity
Your strength
Sun that warms your very soul
Ascending cloud of piety
Your compassion
Gentle spring soothing rain
An eternal flame burning unpretentiously
Your love I love you
i always stress about exams.. because if i don't get my 4.0 i get mad...perfectionism compulsions are tough...i like your words.. someday somebody will write about me like that...yhea someday, yhea right-not in the stars for me... ahhhh...suck.