I saw a semi-funny thing today while on campus. There is a student group protesting Tyson's labor practices - Tyson: processes and distributes poultry in both residential and commercial markets. Anyways, on campus you are allowed to write in chalk and express your views all over campus. In most cases, it's some slogan, and this student group did do some of that. However, then they just got lazy and started drawing cartoon chickens with slashes through them without any indication of why. So all over campus we have drawings of cartoon chickens and no one really knows why. The only reason I know is because I know one of the kids involved.
Concerning another matter, I find doubt to be a consuming presence in my thoughts. I try to convince myself that it's ill-concieved... but the feeling still lingers. I think focus is the problem. I continually look at life and wonder, "How come I'm not there?" Then I'm at the bottom of the mountain of all the things I feel I have to do to get "there'. Then you get that hopeless feeling. How do you get past that?
Some will regurgitate, " You have to concentrate on what you have to do now." I'm not saying that's not true, because it is. However, theory isn't always too practical... statements like the previous are very ambiguous and offer little consolation when hopelessness stares you in the face.
What I think is better, finding and defining outlets for everyday success. Even more vital, is that these outlets be enjoyable. Examples could include working out once a week, writing in a journal, and/or devoting a night to your significant other. I think it be things that we don't even consider definitive of success. Friendship: this state is very indicative of success. Who we are with, the people that choose to gravitate and seek our company totally gratifies the fact we are important and that the personality, attitude, and characteristics are admired by someone. That's being a success everyday. Success can be - if want to see it that way - practicing with the band and making love all night long... accomplishment can so easily be qualified. You know what that is.... optimism. Optimism. To many, especially those who constantly spew that non-conformist bullshit, optimism is dirty-word. To tell you the truth, my personality is probably as dark as it gets, yet I've moved past to the whole teenage goth crap that says you have to miserable to different... it's fucking bullshit.
So it's not just concentrating on the now, it's seeing the now as meaningful. You don't have to be happy everyday, you just have to make an effort to be content with your individual situation. A monkey is pretty damn content when he hits his friend with the pile of crap, he feels like a success. Now, I'm not saying start throwing crap... I am saying that stuff that you do everyday that seems meaningless - like crap - doesn't have to be it can be seen as an accomplishment.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you're sad and you know it clap your hands.
And if you clap your hands and you know it clap your hands.

Concerning another matter, I find doubt to be a consuming presence in my thoughts. I try to convince myself that it's ill-concieved... but the feeling still lingers. I think focus is the problem. I continually look at life and wonder, "How come I'm not there?" Then I'm at the bottom of the mountain of all the things I feel I have to do to get "there'. Then you get that hopeless feeling. How do you get past that?
Some will regurgitate, " You have to concentrate on what you have to do now." I'm not saying that's not true, because it is. However, theory isn't always too practical... statements like the previous are very ambiguous and offer little consolation when hopelessness stares you in the face.
What I think is better, finding and defining outlets for everyday success. Even more vital, is that these outlets be enjoyable. Examples could include working out once a week, writing in a journal, and/or devoting a night to your significant other. I think it be things that we don't even consider definitive of success. Friendship: this state is very indicative of success. Who we are with, the people that choose to gravitate and seek our company totally gratifies the fact we are important and that the personality, attitude, and characteristics are admired by someone. That's being a success everyday. Success can be - if want to see it that way - practicing with the band and making love all night long... accomplishment can so easily be qualified. You know what that is.... optimism. Optimism. To many, especially those who constantly spew that non-conformist bullshit, optimism is dirty-word. To tell you the truth, my personality is probably as dark as it gets, yet I've moved past to the whole teenage goth crap that says you have to miserable to different... it's fucking bullshit.
So it's not just concentrating on the now, it's seeing the now as meaningful. You don't have to be happy everyday, you just have to make an effort to be content with your individual situation. A monkey is pretty damn content when he hits his friend with the pile of crap, he feels like a success. Now, I'm not saying start throwing crap... I am saying that stuff that you do everyday that seems meaningless - like crap - doesn't have to be it can be seen as an accomplishment.

Thanks dude........ i needed that.
new tattoo is my heart with a dagger stabbed thru it...a little icky..yes...but it's me. and i like it. panic attacks...me thinking bad thoughts, my breathing becoming erratic, sweatty, dizzy, constricted chest...not fun times for me...trying to get better tho.. yes moving is the best thing in the world for me!