Tons of work.
I've been working on stuff since 2pm, it was about 10pm when I stopped... 8 hours and I'm not done yet.
To be honest, it's a little bit overwhelming, but I cannot make myself feel bad about it. I'm confident - barring some catastrophe - that I'll catch up.
As I go around the site, I see the previous sentiment to be recurring theme. It might be seasonal depression... I don't know. Here's what - I think - I do know: Life is good and bad, seeing and not seeing, knowing and not knowing. And all of this in the literal sense is easier said. It seems unfair and it is. Sometimes it seems impossible but we just have to make peace with and be content with the unfortunate side of existance. You may not agree that there is an innate duality in life, but I think few will disagree that we learn and are made in some ways better from the pain we experience; if only to condition us for future misery. I testify that tragedy inspires as much as bliss when it applies to the molding of our persons.
I hope that we can all see that as, at least, a minor consolation when things suck. You know things really suck for me right now also... yet I'm able to trudge ahead because the relative and expansive dispersion between times like these and good times. It's what Einstein was, in part, talking about: ecstasy precludes that there be agony.
The great thing about humanity, and our humanity, is the ability to overcome disparity and the ability to support each othe during such disparity. It seems cheesy, just remember to support each other and make an effort to love each other without being patronizing and sacraficing honesty.
In that guise, please go and support
She needs some pep in her step and she always has had the presence of mind to go out of her way to make others feel better.
In addition, I added my ideas about coping below that may help... or not.
It is called coping: what we do in order to go on with our lives. Coping involves the changes in our lives along the path we walk. We see it and we dont. We feel and we dont. The later often more deleterious than knowing. Ignorance shields us from pain and responsibility. Ignorance comes in many guises: innocence, idiocy, righteousness, and social construct. All though the motives may change, every relative form of denial distorts the truth.
Years ago the topic of coping with ignorance and coping with stress and pain of the, often tragic and instantaneous, expulsion of this ignorance was explored for the first time in myself. We call these concrete unveilings of reality either trauma and or revelation. However, most true revelation must contain the prerequisite of trauma, or it ends up being the resultant prey of ignorance. Relativity precludes that an action must prompt a reaction and when there is no such represented variable, the convolution - that is perceived in this case as revelation - is often the result of idiocy, righteousness, and social construct. Still more confusing is that not every trauma constitutes revelation. From the absorption into the trauma comes a purer form of ignorance known as denial, which assumes not be truth, but to shroud truth. The immersion has many affects that include self-loathing, paranoia, and defamation. When revelation does occur, we then label the resulting state that of wisdom.
How can one know if ones wisdom, if ones actions are a proclivity of something totally false? We cant. And what if life becomes too great a burden and life does not reveal it self? Then we cope and use devices for coping in anticipation for consolation. There are many degrees that exist based on ones situation, which determine when and where these answers come.
When will my answers come?
I've been working on stuff since 2pm, it was about 10pm when I stopped... 8 hours and I'm not done yet.
To be honest, it's a little bit overwhelming, but I cannot make myself feel bad about it. I'm confident - barring some catastrophe - that I'll catch up.
As I go around the site, I see the previous sentiment to be recurring theme. It might be seasonal depression... I don't know. Here's what - I think - I do know: Life is good and bad, seeing and not seeing, knowing and not knowing. And all of this in the literal sense is easier said. It seems unfair and it is. Sometimes it seems impossible but we just have to make peace with and be content with the unfortunate side of existance. You may not agree that there is an innate duality in life, but I think few will disagree that we learn and are made in some ways better from the pain we experience; if only to condition us for future misery. I testify that tragedy inspires as much as bliss when it applies to the molding of our persons.
I hope that we can all see that as, at least, a minor consolation when things suck. You know things really suck for me right now also... yet I'm able to trudge ahead because the relative and expansive dispersion between times like these and good times. It's what Einstein was, in part, talking about: ecstasy precludes that there be agony.
The great thing about humanity, and our humanity, is the ability to overcome disparity and the ability to support each othe during such disparity. It seems cheesy, just remember to support each other and make an effort to love each other without being patronizing and sacraficing honesty.
In that guise, please go and support

In addition, I added my ideas about coping below that may help... or not.

It is called coping: what we do in order to go on with our lives. Coping involves the changes in our lives along the path we walk. We see it and we dont. We feel and we dont. The later often more deleterious than knowing. Ignorance shields us from pain and responsibility. Ignorance comes in many guises: innocence, idiocy, righteousness, and social construct. All though the motives may change, every relative form of denial distorts the truth.
Years ago the topic of coping with ignorance and coping with stress and pain of the, often tragic and instantaneous, expulsion of this ignorance was explored for the first time in myself. We call these concrete unveilings of reality either trauma and or revelation. However, most true revelation must contain the prerequisite of trauma, or it ends up being the resultant prey of ignorance. Relativity precludes that an action must prompt a reaction and when there is no such represented variable, the convolution - that is perceived in this case as revelation - is often the result of idiocy, righteousness, and social construct. Still more confusing is that not every trauma constitutes revelation. From the absorption into the trauma comes a purer form of ignorance known as denial, which assumes not be truth, but to shroud truth. The immersion has many affects that include self-loathing, paranoia, and defamation. When revelation does occur, we then label the resulting state that of wisdom.
How can one know if ones wisdom, if ones actions are a proclivity of something totally false? We cant. And what if life becomes too great a burden and life does not reveal it self? Then we cope and use devices for coping in anticipation for consolation. There are many degrees that exist based on ones situation, which determine when and where these answers come.
When will my answers come?
i love reading your journal...i do agree that all our experiences make us who we are...and to have any of those various constructs changed or deleted somehow would only make us into someone we didn't know...we wouldn't be who we are as we know ourselves. it really is just a shame that we must endure adverse experiences...humans by nature are lazy; it simply uses more energy to preservere and deal than to avoid.. but i am also very much a behaviorist and do think that reinforcement of any kind will increase the likelyhood that a behavior will reoccur...ahhh my little poem was more about me really wanting just to feel and taste lips on mine but feeling too insecure to do anything about it...i miss stuff about boys sometimes..but know i'm better off getting my life to where i want it before i can even consider taking that extremely risky blind jump...
Yeah dude how does one over come that. that fear of being alone and pushing people away?...... i wish i knew so i wouldn't keep pushing her from me.... but i dont know how... and i know im doing it.... but i haven't been able to find a way to stop it........