Time to turn on the charm
In a number of contexts:
1. Here, because I've been MIA from the site for over three months and people here may think I have gone for good.
2. On a plutonic social level. I've lost a huge friend base that took three years to build and I questioned even coming back here. Some are victims of marriage, graduation, drugs, poor grades, transfering, and depression that caused them to give up.
3. On a romantic social level. The relationship with the last girl I was seeing ended just before I was forced to leave Milwaukee. Not that in anyway defines who I am, but having no solid friendships here right now... a solid romantic relationship would be a good substitute.
I'm really not used to getting up at 7 in the morning, so that I can make the bus to UWM each morning. I live - for those who know Miliwaukee - on the southwest side a few blocks away from the Rave in the ghetto. I hate using that term, because it sounds like a bad thing. It's not . It's actually kind of nostalgic. I grew super poor in the projects, and that's all these people are in my neihborhood... just poor.
However, I am getting sick of the panhandlers. The other day I was waiting at the bus stop and this old lady on crutches came up to me and asked for money to ride the bus. I gave it to her. Then when she got on the bus she didn't even use the money!!!
She used a transfer ticket. And she got on the bus right after me. I felt like sitting down right next to her and saying, " Hey lady, what would you do if you just saw that?" But, I didn't.
Then yesterday, getting off the bus this one guy asked me. I didn't give anything... then as I was walking away he asked me if I had a credit card. The nerve. I know I'm going to end up knocking some mother fucker out. It will be a sad day, because I never hit a homeless person before. When, I think of it after it happens it's funny... but at the time it happens I find it hard to restrain my temper. I do it though. I'm 22 now, and I learned it's better not to fight. A lot of it's inconvience. A ten minute fight turns into 3 hours of explaining shit to cops with the possibility of a fine or being arrested. It sucks.
That's about it for now, I'm tired... I know it's pathetic, tis only 9:30. Time to drink some koolaid and go crash.

In a number of contexts:
1. Here, because I've been MIA from the site for over three months and people here may think I have gone for good.
2. On a plutonic social level. I've lost a huge friend base that took three years to build and I questioned even coming back here. Some are victims of marriage, graduation, drugs, poor grades, transfering, and depression that caused them to give up.
3. On a romantic social level. The relationship with the last girl I was seeing ended just before I was forced to leave Milwaukee. Not that in anyway defines who I am, but having no solid friendships here right now... a solid romantic relationship would be a good substitute.
I'm really not used to getting up at 7 in the morning, so that I can make the bus to UWM each morning. I live - for those who know Miliwaukee - on the southwest side a few blocks away from the Rave in the ghetto. I hate using that term, because it sounds like a bad thing. It's not . It's actually kind of nostalgic. I grew super poor in the projects, and that's all these people are in my neihborhood... just poor.
However, I am getting sick of the panhandlers. The other day I was waiting at the bus stop and this old lady on crutches came up to me and asked for money to ride the bus. I gave it to her. Then when she got on the bus she didn't even use the money!!!
She used a transfer ticket. And she got on the bus right after me. I felt like sitting down right next to her and saying, " Hey lady, what would you do if you just saw that?" But, I didn't.
Then yesterday, getting off the bus this one guy asked me. I didn't give anything... then as I was walking away he asked me if I had a credit card. The nerve. I know I'm going to end up knocking some mother fucker out. It will be a sad day, because I never hit a homeless person before. When, I think of it after it happens it's funny... but at the time it happens I find it hard to restrain my temper. I do it though. I'm 22 now, and I learned it's better not to fight. A lot of it's inconvience. A ten minute fight turns into 3 hours of explaining shit to cops with the possibility of a fine or being arrested. It sucks.
That's about it for now, I'm tired... I know it's pathetic, tis only 9:30. Time to drink some koolaid and go crash.
yeah I was supposed to be at UWM this fall, but my transcripts from another school were sent too late. Really sucks, but maybe next semester! have a good night hunnay, and thanks for the offer of safety! Talk to you soon!