I noticed that the quo of my journal entries have been very depressing...
I'm really somewhat of a pretty happy lighthearted guy.
I guess it's just easy to vent in a forum where you're aynonomous.
Some good news: Recently, I am getting kicked out of my apartment because one of my roomates was stealing from all the roomates... the problem was that - even though we know it was him - it's a he said, he said thing. So the landord couldn't just kick him out, he's got to kick all of us out. So I was pretty stessed out about the whole thing for the last month, scrambling to find a place to live.
Guess what? I found one. The catch is: It's a cold water flat. Do you know what that is? I'll tell you.
It's an apartment without hot water or a shower. Sucks right? I don't know. I figured I would just start taking showers at the gym until I built myself a freestanding shower (I'm pretty handy like that). I figured out it would cost me like 200 hundred bucks to make myself a freestanding self-heating shower. Why go through all the hassle? 225$ a month for a huge two bedroom apartment that includes all utilities.
That's dirt cheap for a Milwaukee place. So that's my good news. It's kinda bittersweet, but who cares... at least I got that BS taken care of.
Oh, I also include a new poem...
Divinus amorem
A gentle cool breeze
Whispers of a serene melody
Your voice
Majestic depth of the ocean
Inviting valley of serenity
Your eyes
Mountain of indestructible countenance
Flowing river of grace and creativity
Your strength
Sun that warms your very soul
Ascending cloud of piety
Your compassion
Gentle spring soothing rain
An eternal flame burning unpretentiously
Your love I love you
I'm really somewhat of a pretty happy lighthearted guy.
I guess it's just easy to vent in a forum where you're aynonomous.
Some good news: Recently, I am getting kicked out of my apartment because one of my roomates was stealing from all the roomates... the problem was that - even though we know it was him - it's a he said, he said thing. So the landord couldn't just kick him out, he's got to kick all of us out. So I was pretty stessed out about the whole thing for the last month, scrambling to find a place to live.
Guess what? I found one. The catch is: It's a cold water flat. Do you know what that is? I'll tell you.
It's an apartment without hot water or a shower. Sucks right? I don't know. I figured I would just start taking showers at the gym until I built myself a freestanding shower (I'm pretty handy like that). I figured out it would cost me like 200 hundred bucks to make myself a freestanding self-heating shower. Why go through all the hassle? 225$ a month for a huge two bedroom apartment that includes all utilities.
That's dirt cheap for a Milwaukee place. So that's my good news. It's kinda bittersweet, but who cares... at least I got that BS taken care of.
Oh, I also include a new poem...
Divinus amorem
A gentle cool breeze
Whispers of a serene melody
Your voice
Majestic depth of the ocean
Inviting valley of serenity
Your eyes
Mountain of indestructible countenance
Flowing river of grace and creativity
Your strength
Sun that warms your very soul
Ascending cloud of piety
Your compassion
Gentle spring soothing rain
An eternal flame burning unpretentiously
Your love I love you
Thanks for helping me out with my chant. hehehe. Good luck with your new place. I feel horrible that it doesn't have a shower tho. That's weird. Why would anyone build a place without a shower or tub? Oh well...