You know what burns me?
Ignorant Hypocrites
I say ignorant hypocrites, because as long as you acknowledge that you are saying one thing and doing another that's cool by me... because then, you're either learning or just being lazy. That's just being a human being.
What's deplorable is when someone displays a viel of rightousness concerning a subject - being the authority - and then does something that just sets that guise on fire: revealing their stupidity.
Ex. Recently, I was watching "Blind Date" and this chick was going on and on about being a vegetarian, how she's a health nut, and how unhealthy meat was. She just went on and on. Then, I swear, three seconds later after she ended her lecture; she lit up a cigarette. That's not what burned me. Then she started a speech about smokers' rights and how she'll never quit... some reguritated coffee shop bull-shit. Through the whole transition of topics, she was oblivious and ignorant to vexation between the two. It just pissed me off and I had to write about it.
<B>Basically, if you're gonna preach... make sure you're not fucking the alter boy.</B>
I have no problems with vegatarian smokers, just ones that claim to be the authority on health.

Ignorant Hypocrites
I say ignorant hypocrites, because as long as you acknowledge that you are saying one thing and doing another that's cool by me... because then, you're either learning or just being lazy. That's just being a human being.
What's deplorable is when someone displays a viel of rightousness concerning a subject - being the authority - and then does something that just sets that guise on fire: revealing their stupidity.
Ex. Recently, I was watching "Blind Date" and this chick was going on and on about being a vegetarian, how she's a health nut, and how unhealthy meat was. She just went on and on. Then, I swear, three seconds later after she ended her lecture; she lit up a cigarette. That's not what burned me. Then she started a speech about smokers' rights and how she'll never quit... some reguritated coffee shop bull-shit. Through the whole transition of topics, she was oblivious and ignorant to vexation between the two. It just pissed me off and I had to write about it.
<B>Basically, if you're gonna preach... make sure you're not fucking the alter boy.</B>
I have no problems with vegatarian smokers, just ones that claim to be the authority on health.