Ya know what my problem with LA is? (well, that's a list and a half) But my real problem is that people don't care if the numbers on their house match the numbers on the title report, or the curb in front of their house. Because some jackoff lives in "629", but doesn't want his mail, shouldn't mean that the punkass gets to put "633" on the fricking house. Dammit.
Because of that, i'm back in LA again today. Only the agent's meeting me there under punishment of me kicking his ass.
oh, i'm just hostile sometimes.
ANYONE interested in going to BATS in LB Friday Night?
(9pm-2am at Que Sera, 7th and Cherry streets...wear black
Because of that, i'm back in LA again today. Only the agent's meeting me there under punishment of me kicking his ass.
oh, i'm just hostile sometimes.
ANYONE interested in going to BATS in LB Friday Night?
(9pm-2am at Que Sera, 7th and Cherry streets...wear black

My beth is a doll isnt she? She thinks she's unnattractive. I keep telling her that if i could just take her pictures with a good camera she'll see just how beautiful she really is.
whats bats?
Bring it God, you bitch!