I think today i'm filled with appreciation for life in general, my life in particular. I'm resonating gratefulness and contentedness. (eh? is that a COW reference?---it's gotta be the air out here)
I'm plannning a small family get-together (only 6 people and a baby), a 4th of July BBQ. 4 carnivores, 1 fish-o-tarian, and a vegan...cause i like a challenge
. So far there's pork ribs, some swordfish, the veggie's bringing a couple vegan patties. Potato salad, slaw, and i still ahve to think about dessert. It's always nice when the veggies are cool to BYO meatless thing.
I mean, Jim's mostly vegatarian, and has been for a couple years, but he's not hardcore-vegan-everything. Did i ever tell you the story about why Jim's a vegetarian? well, let's just say that after 15 years of being together, he and i married, and 3 months after that, he passed out/lost conciousness. It was the WORST feeling i've ever had. He looked dead for about a minute; white skin, ashen lips, not breathing--freaky and just NOT GOOD.
I pushed him off the chair he was in and moved him to the floor to get the circulation back to his head, and the color in his face flushed back up and he woke. I spent the next 10 minutes screaming, just hysterical-cause he looked SO dead-and you don't want your husband to die 3 months after you Finally marry. So NOT cool.
But Jim woke and gathered his thoughts and when i was horse from freaking, he looked and said, "I don't want to eat animals anymore. I like them and don't want to eat them". And that was that. Bizzare, but completely chaged. Makes you think. I'm just happy he still hasn't considered "sea bugs" and fish, animals quite yet. I think he does that for me, so it's not so hard to eat together.
I'm a tangent whore--did ya know? I can't help it, but in person, it seems to work better on an interpersonal level. On paper it's a train wreck.
My tattoo is at the stage of feeling dry, but only during the day. It's seems to weep at night, and i sleep on my back, so there ya go. I now have 3 men's tank undershirts that have the stain of my tattoo on them. It's wierd, kinda peeling them off in the morning, and seeing the image from my back. cool though. i want to frame the best one. It almost feels like a large handprint on my back. As if it's pressed in and still warm, like grass under a cat on a summer day.
okay-i gotta go shopping now, do things. May you have a kick ass weekend and for cripe's sake--don't blow your hand off.
so, yeah, i'm generating the sassy mood to go with.
I'm plannning a small family get-together (only 6 people and a baby), a 4th of July BBQ. 4 carnivores, 1 fish-o-tarian, and a vegan...cause i like a challenge

I mean, Jim's mostly vegatarian, and has been for a couple years, but he's not hardcore-vegan-everything. Did i ever tell you the story about why Jim's a vegetarian? well, let's just say that after 15 years of being together, he and i married, and 3 months after that, he passed out/lost conciousness. It was the WORST feeling i've ever had. He looked dead for about a minute; white skin, ashen lips, not breathing--freaky and just NOT GOOD.
I pushed him off the chair he was in and moved him to the floor to get the circulation back to his head, and the color in his face flushed back up and he woke. I spent the next 10 minutes screaming, just hysterical-cause he looked SO dead-and you don't want your husband to die 3 months after you Finally marry. So NOT cool.
But Jim woke and gathered his thoughts and when i was horse from freaking, he looked and said, "I don't want to eat animals anymore. I like them and don't want to eat them". And that was that. Bizzare, but completely chaged. Makes you think. I'm just happy he still hasn't considered "sea bugs" and fish, animals quite yet. I think he does that for me, so it's not so hard to eat together.
I'm a tangent whore--did ya know? I can't help it, but in person, it seems to work better on an interpersonal level. On paper it's a train wreck.
My tattoo is at the stage of feeling dry, but only during the day. It's seems to weep at night, and i sleep on my back, so there ya go. I now have 3 men's tank undershirts that have the stain of my tattoo on them. It's wierd, kinda peeling them off in the morning, and seeing the image from my back. cool though. i want to frame the best one. It almost feels like a large handprint on my back. As if it's pressed in and still warm, like grass under a cat on a summer day.
okay-i gotta go shopping now, do things. May you have a kick ass weekend and for cripe's sake--don't blow your hand off.
so, yeah, i'm generating the sassy mood to go with.

Oh, and I wen back to red hair. That's nature, baby (sorta).