I love daylight savings. I had an appointment at 6:30 and there was plenty of light to take photos...too bad i had left the battery in the charger!. Dang it. I can never leave a place in one trip. I usually forget something. Maybe i have too much stuff...maybe it's time for Geritol* (*old people vitamins).
I completed a custom canvas tote for my Momma. It's got a photo of my brother and I in the center, puffs of curled fabric ribbon at the upper corners with a beaded swag of shiny baubles framing the top. There is a daisy in the center top to match the one in the photo on the bag. Looks cool. I stopped by her office to surprise her, but she had already left. I'll catch up with her by tomorrow hopefully.
I've been procrastinating pretty badly about sending out the invitations for the Opera Luncheon i'm throwing. I can't decide: organised little resturant (who kinda is crowded and loud) or picnic in the park, which is more personal but more work and out in the elements (having to save tables, clean things, haul food)? I hate that i let it go this far. In the true tradition of procrastination--i think i'll push back the date a week and think about it some more before i decide.
It seems i'm growing a pumpkin vine thanks to my dog, who ripped open a pack of seeds in my rose bushes. That'll be fun, but i can't see how the thing won't take over the area. Pumpkins vines are big. More important: how to protect pumpkins from the dogs once they start to fruit and look like their "fetching" toys...oh boy.
Any ideas?
I completed a custom canvas tote for my Momma. It's got a photo of my brother and I in the center, puffs of curled fabric ribbon at the upper corners with a beaded swag of shiny baubles framing the top. There is a daisy in the center top to match the one in the photo on the bag. Looks cool. I stopped by her office to surprise her, but she had already left. I'll catch up with her by tomorrow hopefully.
I've been procrastinating pretty badly about sending out the invitations for the Opera Luncheon i'm throwing. I can't decide: organised little resturant (who kinda is crowded and loud) or picnic in the park, which is more personal but more work and out in the elements (having to save tables, clean things, haul food)? I hate that i let it go this far. In the true tradition of procrastination--i think i'll push back the date a week and think about it some more before i decide.
It seems i'm growing a pumpkin vine thanks to my dog, who ripped open a pack of seeds in my rose bushes. That'll be fun, but i can't see how the thing won't take over the area. Pumpkins vines are big. More important: how to protect pumpkins from the dogs once they start to fruit and look like their "fetching" toys...oh boy.
Any ideas?
what up yo!!! are you going to unravled's BBQ next friday!? hope to see you there. what have you been up to? about the Opera Luncheon...i'd say a little restaurant.

I'd say transplant it out of the roses... after that, no idea.