The wedding was fab and everyone was happy. I'm taking the day off tomorrow because i deserve it. I have slept only 8 hours since Friday night, in part becasue we had so much to do, and because i was excited for my friends. I'll post pics later. I took 242 photos, but i'll give you the short, short version of pics tomorrow.
Happy Mayday as well!
Happy Mayday as well!

Uber busy i am indeed! So much so that the stress is reeking havok on my emotions. I'm sure I'll get through it, it just in the mean time. The wedding is coming along nicely. But there still seems like there is so much left to do. But other than stress and lack of slep Im ok. Can't complain TOO much, hehe. How are you? Sounds like you've been having a great time participating in a wedding yourself.
Good times eh?

enjoy the rest and solitude if you say you deserve it then it probably should have come sooner for you!