I dont understand...you say you just want to be friends now. I agreed and said that was awesome and that we would always be best friends before we were lovers.

Then you come over and we have sex...i dont want sex anymore i just want to be friends...you know i cant say no to you no matter how much it hurts me inside. You know...
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It's not easy for the girl to say no either (to herself that is) so if you don't want it youre going to have to be the strong one...tell her that she's fucking with you and you don't like it...she wants the sex but not anything that goes with it, and that's not fair to you...just my personal thought/experience smile
But, but, but... Sex is so good! One should never say "No" to an attractive intelligent man/woman
so yeah...i need sex, i woud die with out it. Any takers?

The backwards cowgirl... whatever
thanx blush
where the heck is channahon anyways?...I'm assuming it's not a Chicago suburb b/c I've never heard of it...but I could be wrong! tongue
Hmmm...no sex, no b/f or g/f, no problems? Is it all that simple? If i were to just give it all up would i be happier without that warm feeling you get when you hold someone so close that your heart beats begin to match eachothers? I dont know...

I feel like i know what i want...but at the same time that goal is so...
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Yea...I don't like that whole lack of sex either...
Just be thankful for experiences and people like that...I hate hate hate a guy who played a big part in shaping me...lol obviously at the time I didn't...now he's a dick, but I am grateful everyday for what he gave me. Hehe and deem your celibacy as self induced...for some reason that seems to get the people I know laid! heh...Have a great day smile
Fuck women...im just going to go gay...your all nothing but trouble...why did you have to make it all so hard Emily...
All the deals..I mean, come on.
thanks for posting on my page...i feel you on the girl thing, but guys can be just as difficult to deal with...i'm considering celibacy
I have a feeling this weekend if going to be rather uneventful...

anyways i meet this girl last night, he name is Noel....shes is Beautiful to say the least. Pale while skin, beautiful complection, soft green eyes a short hair that is lightly shaded orange. I invited to take her out for a cup of coffee tonight so i will see how it all blows...
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Everybody over 18 is welcome to the Sleaze Z Fest. We're showing some kinda graphic stuff, so we are checking IDs at the door. Don't want to get in trouble for letting minors see boobs and butts, after all.

Oof...emily is leaveing to Oregon soon...im going to be stuck in Illinoise alone. We have been through so fuckign much together...im going to fucking miss her. Ive been cryign so much that tears wont come out anymore and my eyes have been burning. I hate this shit i hate life hehe ^_^

My teacher just walked by and asked what this site was. I told...
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Rise Against is pretty good. I have "Revolutions Per Minute." I need to get their newest album.
Eyebrow peircing hurts like hell. It bleeds for days upon days..and the pain is enough to make you want to put a bullet in your brain......Well, that's just what I heard from a friend of a friend of a friend of this guy that lives down the street...