Greetings! Man i am no better at keeping up with blogging this year as i was last year... damm!!
Lets start off nice and easy.
We had a photoshoot in November ish time and we've got the shots and all lovely ness, and pimping the world with the band.

I shall return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Lets start off nice and easy.
We had a photoshoot in November ish time and we've got the shots and all lovely ness, and pimping the world with the band.

I shall return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Worry not, my dear, for I am FAR shitter at updating and blogging! And going home! I don't have much time at all I'm afraid. So busy with Uni (graduating in a few months!), work (blaaaaah, hate it) and trying to organise stuff and find somewhere to live with David.
I need to come home at some point, it's just difficult, I'm having my first day off today since...forever, because some classes got cancelled!
Have been silly ill too.
Seriously, loving on those pictures!!
and yuor profile pic is so beautiful!