If you've like to skip the rant, look at the photos below instead

Apoligise for terrible spelling/grammer etc, i can't be arsed to spellcheck
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I have had such a shitty week so far...
I win 'tenant with most annoying landlady' award - ermm... We are moving house (again), because we thought we had damp.. shes does nothing about it. For starters shes a bit mad, excentric (but who isnt i thought), then the problems start. We've only been in this house since May, noticed about a month or 2 ago that mould and crap growing on clothes and furniture (its not ventilation!), and she does nothing.
There is a garage included in our let too, but its got an asbestos roof - therefore unusuable.
So i thought 'i'm not putting up with mould and damp over the winter, im moving', found a lovely house only a few roads away. And I notify the estate agents who arranged the let, and my landlady.
I come home on friday (my birthday), and i could tell someone had been in the house - yep, she'd let herself in and a 'damp specialist', without any permission or notice to me... breaking our contract, needs to get 24 hours notice... I leave an answersphone message saying im not happy, dont do it again.
My man pops home to the house on his lunchbreak today - and shes here showing a letting agents round!!! - yet again no permission, or notice... AHHH, i have had enough. My let ends 20th nov, but im going to see if i can move before, because shes invading our privacy, AND breaking the law.. she doesnt get it at all...
</ rant>
I had a LOVELY birthday, after the above happened, my man whisked me off to a beautiful hotel in the forest of dean for a nights stay and dinner - fantastic. With the biggest four poster bed in the world. I'm so lucky, he's keeping me sane
I got an awesome new BOSS pedalboard - much needed, and some other lovely gifts.
(being all formal before dinner)
(and not so after lol)
Then had an awesome rehearsal with the band. followed by a great night out in Vice Rock club in Swansea, metal night - hardly anyone in there, but we had loads of fun and I did alot of headbanging and singing - left me in a state for sunday and a bit on monday lol.
Photos to follow from night out
So i might be moving house in about a week or two, instead of a months time. lol. gotta get packing.
Also band has a BIG gig coming up in Nov (paid gig in Shropshire, bring - it - on!) And we are being booked for Jan paid gig too.. lovely jubbly, got to get wriitng more original material.
Back soon lovelies.xxx
you look fab in your pics
good luck with the packing
I was at the Twickenham gig. How could any self respecting metal fan not go to see Maiden there, especially as they were doing their older stuff. Even I'm not old enough to have seen The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner the first time round.
Sorry to hear about all the shit you're having with your house. I hope you're have better luck with your next place.
But I'm glad you had a nice birthday. You looked very different, but very nice. Occasionally it's good to dress up smart.
Good luck with your gigs