Hiya!!!!!!!! quick update, man its been ages..... ermmmm quick summary..
1) Moved house, now a resident of cardiff. love it. quicker to get to work. nice house, all gooddddd.
2) Band is Back On Track. WOO. got a new bassist and our singer is fucking awesome. Did a little festival on the weekend, so much fun and i gots good and drunk afterwards. This weekend we are recording (re recording) some originals. and on monday:
BUFFALO BAR, CARDIFF MONDAY 7th JULY 8PM Is anyone is around this way.
3) Met Joe satriani when he and paul gilbert played cardiff st davids. see goofy 'im meeting someone famous' photo below!!
Photo time:
Byeeeeeeeeeeee. better update soon. I promise this time. xxxx
1) Moved house, now a resident of cardiff. love it. quicker to get to work. nice house, all gooddddd.
2) Band is Back On Track. WOO. got a new bassist and our singer is fucking awesome. Did a little festival on the weekend, so much fun and i gots good and drunk afterwards. This weekend we are recording (re recording) some originals. and on monday:
BUFFALO BAR, CARDIFF MONDAY 7th JULY 8PM Is anyone is around this way.
3) Met Joe satriani when he and paul gilbert played cardiff st davids. see goofy 'im meeting someone famous' photo below!!
Photo time:

Byeeeeeeeeeeee. better update soon. I promise this time. xxxx
