HOORAH, I AM (slightly) FREE!!!
Yes yes, dissertation free anyway, soo nice to hand it in last Friday a weight has been lifted. I would like to thank everybody who responded to the survey and those who gave me helpful input along the way - I am most grateful! If anybody is interested in reading:
Lost in a Virtual World; Comparative Effects of Interactive Gaming Experiences
(Warning it is 9,000 odd words long), then feel free to message me.
I blab on about WOW, SL and TLE, The jist is, people mainly play for enjoyment, escapism and immersive experiences. Virtual worlds rock, they allow a user freedom and work as an outlet from otherwise stressy lives. Yes people can become obsessed and life online can make you feel overall better than the real world; however generally users would not get lost online in their worlds - but it is possible. (by the way it feels so good to type informally again!).
Generally life is better now I've finished it, I had two all-nighters when writing it and a very very stressy day when I was trying to get it printed and bound - I thank Giles (my man ho), for being a legend and cheering me up and driving me all over south Wales lol!! On the Tuesday I had no sleep, and on the Wednesday night it was Giles' mum's birthday.. and we were going out to a Chinese restaurant - I was practically falling asleep in my food and I had a random spurt of swearing, quite amusing lol..
I have an exam on Friday - boo - however I'm not so worried about that. MEANWHILE:
We let our singer go, he wasn't interested anymore, didn't want to do originals etc... So we are auditioning for a vocalist... started off badly. On Saturday we auditioned this girl which looked to be really hopeful! From what we could tell from her myspace and emails she was young, exciting, ambitious, pretty, metal, creative and wanted to sing to us 'Skidrow - 18 and Life' to show us her range (Anyone who doesn't know, its a hard song to sing and very high). Thinking she'd be perfect... erm.. she didn't know the words, sang out of key was very immature for 17, a bit arrogant and so much makeup I could hardly see her lol... I thought maybe at first it was nerves that was letting her down - so we changed key to make it easier on her.. and we discovered that we basically couldn't sing... nightmare. AH WELL, auditioning tomorrow night as well. wish me luck, ill take earplugs tomorrow.
As part of G's xmas pressie I designed him our potential EP cover (yes I'm sad)
AND i have also updated the website a bit:
For those whove not been there GO NOW.x
anyways, no cute images of me or anything ive been looking rough and sleeplessness, Ive joined a proper gym and im trying to get my fitness and general life back in shape.
Yes yes, dissertation free anyway, soo nice to hand it in last Friday a weight has been lifted. I would like to thank everybody who responded to the survey and those who gave me helpful input along the way - I am most grateful! If anybody is interested in reading:
Lost in a Virtual World; Comparative Effects of Interactive Gaming Experiences
(Warning it is 9,000 odd words long), then feel free to message me.
I blab on about WOW, SL and TLE, The jist is, people mainly play for enjoyment, escapism and immersive experiences. Virtual worlds rock, they allow a user freedom and work as an outlet from otherwise stressy lives. Yes people can become obsessed and life online can make you feel overall better than the real world; however generally users would not get lost online in their worlds - but it is possible. (by the way it feels so good to type informally again!).
Generally life is better now I've finished it, I had two all-nighters when writing it and a very very stressy day when I was trying to get it printed and bound - I thank Giles (my man ho), for being a legend and cheering me up and driving me all over south Wales lol!! On the Tuesday I had no sleep, and on the Wednesday night it was Giles' mum's birthday.. and we were going out to a Chinese restaurant - I was practically falling asleep in my food and I had a random spurt of swearing, quite amusing lol..
I have an exam on Friday - boo - however I'm not so worried about that. MEANWHILE:
We let our singer go, he wasn't interested anymore, didn't want to do originals etc... So we are auditioning for a vocalist... started off badly. On Saturday we auditioned this girl which looked to be really hopeful! From what we could tell from her myspace and emails she was young, exciting, ambitious, pretty, metal, creative and wanted to sing to us 'Skidrow - 18 and Life' to show us her range (Anyone who doesn't know, its a hard song to sing and very high). Thinking she'd be perfect... erm.. she didn't know the words, sang out of key was very immature for 17, a bit arrogant and so much makeup I could hardly see her lol... I thought maybe at first it was nerves that was letting her down - so we changed key to make it easier on her.. and we discovered that we basically couldn't sing... nightmare. AH WELL, auditioning tomorrow night as well. wish me luck, ill take earplugs tomorrow.
As part of G's xmas pressie I designed him our potential EP cover (yes I'm sad)

AND i have also updated the website a bit:

For those whove not been there GO NOW.x
anyways, no cute images of me or anything ive been looking rough and sleeplessness, Ive joined a proper gym and im trying to get my fitness and general life back in shape.
Sounds like a bit of a nightmare audition. I hope tomorrow's one goes better. By the way, do you get that whole "You should sing" thing? I'm going to wring the neck of the person who tells me that next. Bass is enough!
Hope your search for a new singer is going well. xxx