HELLO... Man i hate NTL, my internets REALLY been playing up, lack of SG viewage lately. tut tut.
Anyway! Hello, man its nearly time to go back to uni (*i dont want to!*), mainly because i know then it will be Major Project/Dissertation good-ness, and then i'll need to get a job and ill be employed, etc etc etc... Oh the fun.
Right, errmmm, Thanks for everyones responses to the gig & photos, Muchas appreciated! Its gig time again this saturday:clicky clicky baby. Nervous as its a big venue with 5 bands , first on. If you can, Please come its gonna be a great night.
Ive been here and there lately, been a bit down but also had some good times, (good nights in, our friends sisters wedding do - Where we spent the first half an hour at someone elses wedding!! It was hilarious)
Ive also been to devon for a few days with my man and my mum
The weather was lovely and we chilled out, played tennis and went bowling (my mum scored about 20 on her first game, with no pins in her first 2 goes lol!),

Giles and Me

Erm , In other news:
* I dyed my hair tonight, mmm freshly blackened hair.
* I've made a t shirt, its a white zombie stencil (from scratch), and ripped up a cheap black man's t.
photos below:
Anyway! Hello, man its nearly time to go back to uni (*i dont want to!*), mainly because i know then it will be Major Project/Dissertation good-ness, and then i'll need to get a job and ill be employed, etc etc etc... Oh the fun.
Right, errmmm, Thanks for everyones responses to the gig & photos, Muchas appreciated! Its gig time again this saturday:clicky clicky baby. Nervous as its a big venue with 5 bands , first on. If you can, Please come its gonna be a great night.
Ive been here and there lately, been a bit down but also had some good times, (good nights in, our friends sisters wedding do - Where we spent the first half an hour at someone elses wedding!! It was hilarious)
Ive also been to devon for a few days with my man and my mum

Giles and Me

Erm , In other news:
* I dyed my hair tonight, mmm freshly blackened hair.
* I've made a t shirt, its a white zombie stencil (from scratch), and ripped up a cheap black man's t.
photos below:
* I rolled round on the floor:
* Its getting really dark earlier and i dont like it!!!!
Wish me luck! (again)
Mwah, CJ.xxx
Hoping to make it on Saturday too
I am soooo envious of your hair. I think mine has stopped growing.