Things feel a whole lot better today. For starters, I got a refill on my antidepressants. My boyfriend is spending the night, and things feel comfortable. I discussed my issue with him, and I think that smashcritical was right in his comments. I'm planning on going to New York. I don't know when. A lot of it has to do with money, airfare...all that jazz. I want to travel a lot before I do any definite settling down. Its not even legal for me to drink in California; I'm not supposed to be allowed to make stupid decisions yet. Summer is three months away by UCI standards, so I've got some time to save and plan for my new place *keep your fingers crossed* My mom is going to help pay my rent until I graduate from UCI next year, and then I'll be on my own. Until then, I have to keep my grades up. In other words, I need to pass Spanish. My parents have always been laid back on grades; I put mind numbing pressure on myself to be perfect. Today was all about taking care of business. I deposited my check and put some in the savings acount. I wrote a letter to the housing office that rejected me to ask for my deposit back. I watched Aqua teen Hunger force. In other words, I did what I needed to do.
Mullholand drive is a freaky movie; very beautiful thought. I'm a big Lynch fan, though.
Mullholand drive is a freaky movie; very beautiful thought. I'm a big Lynch fan, though.
Depending on the med drinking is not always the best idea anyway, Funny, your not old enough to drink and I think I have gotten out of my system. Went to a small gathering of friends on Saturday and I was the only one that did not imbibe. An itneresting observational experiance.
I have to watch that. I like most Lynch works and was a huge Twin Peaks fan back in the day.
thats one depraved nation you must have there. where does one apply for asylum?