Here's a list of things I can do with my major. Let me prove how they are all the same job:
*Account Executive *Editor, Film/Video *Literary Agent
*Actor/Actress *Editor, Magazine *Loan Officer
*Administrative Assistant *Editor, News *Lobbyist
*Administrator *Editor, Newspaper *Magazine Writer
*Advertising Copywriter *Editor, Publications *Management Trainee
*Analyst *Editor, Publications *Manuscript Reader
*Artist *Editor, Writer *Market Research
*Analyst *Editorial Assistant *Marketing Specialist
*Attorney *Education & Training *Marketing Writer
*Author - Fiction Non-Fiction *Educational Program Specialist *Mass Media
*Assistant Scientific Writer *Entertainment Agent *Media Planner
*Bank Officer *Fashion Merchandiser *Medical Records
*Biographer *Foreign Correspondent *Narrator
*Book Critic *Freelance Writer/Consultant *Novelist
*Business Manager *Fundraiser *Paralegal
*Circulation Assistant *Greeting Card Writer *Paralegal Assistant
*City Manager *Hearing Officer *Personnel Manager
*College Professor *Hotel & Motel Manager *Playwright
*Columnist/Commentator *Human Resource Specialist *Poet
*Comedy Writer *Human Service Practitioner *Politician
*Communications Manager *Humorist/Comedian *Probation and Parole Officer
*Congressional Aide *Information Abstractor *Product Manager
*Copywriter *Insurance Agent *Program Manager
*Corrective Therapist *Interior Designer *Proofreader
*Creative Writer *Interpreter & Translator *Property Manager
*Critic, Art/Book *Investment Counselor/Manager *Public Administrator
*Crossword Puzzle *Journalist *Public Relations Specialist
*Curator *Labor Relations Specialist *Public Speaker
*Customer Service *Lawyer *Publicity Assistant
*Desktop Publisher *Legal Assistant *Publisher
*Director *Librarian *Publishing Assistant
*Radio-TV Commentator *Sales Representative *Special Events Coordinator
*Radio-TV Newscaster *Sales/Service Manager *Speech Writer
*Reading Consultant *Script Reader *Sports Writer
*Reporter *Singer/Voice *Stockbroker
*Research Assistant *Teacher *Talent Agent
*Researcher/Pollster *Social Welfare Examiner *Teacher (all levels)
*Retail Sales *Social Worker *ESL Teacher
*Technical Consultant *Translator *Writer
*Technical Writer *Underwriter *Documentation Specialist
*Training Specialist *Video Scriptwriter/Producer
Look over the jobs. Almost all of them can be done without a college degree. Singing for instance is not something that you can do with an English degree. It comes with talent. Almost all the jobs listed are writing jobs. Do you realize how hard it is to become a published writer? why do you think so many attempted writers blow themselves away. The rest are all government jobs for people who can't do anything but claim they want to write, or believed their damn carear counselor in high school when they said that it was a ok to major in English; of course you'll have a job little girl. The world is perfect and California is full of affordable housing.
In other words, I have been fucked over for two years and spent 40,000 dollars in the process of doing it.
Remember kids, college is an excuse for people who have no skills to make money as professors...But if you don't get a piece of paper you'll end up at McDonalds. wait, even if you get the piece of paper in this economy you'll end up at McDonalds.
*Account Executive *Editor, Film/Video *Literary Agent
*Actor/Actress *Editor, Magazine *Loan Officer
*Administrative Assistant *Editor, News *Lobbyist
*Administrator *Editor, Newspaper *Magazine Writer
*Advertising Copywriter *Editor, Publications *Management Trainee
*Analyst *Editor, Publications *Manuscript Reader
*Artist *Editor, Writer *Market Research
*Analyst *Editorial Assistant *Marketing Specialist
*Attorney *Education & Training *Marketing Writer
*Author - Fiction Non-Fiction *Educational Program Specialist *Mass Media
*Assistant Scientific Writer *Entertainment Agent *Media Planner
*Bank Officer *Fashion Merchandiser *Medical Records
*Biographer *Foreign Correspondent *Narrator
*Book Critic *Freelance Writer/Consultant *Novelist
*Business Manager *Fundraiser *Paralegal
*Circulation Assistant *Greeting Card Writer *Paralegal Assistant
*City Manager *Hearing Officer *Personnel Manager
*College Professor *Hotel & Motel Manager *Playwright
*Columnist/Commentator *Human Resource Specialist *Poet
*Comedy Writer *Human Service Practitioner *Politician
*Communications Manager *Humorist/Comedian *Probation and Parole Officer
*Congressional Aide *Information Abstractor *Product Manager
*Copywriter *Insurance Agent *Program Manager
*Corrective Therapist *Interior Designer *Proofreader
*Creative Writer *Interpreter & Translator *Property Manager
*Critic, Art/Book *Investment Counselor/Manager *Public Administrator
*Crossword Puzzle *Journalist *Public Relations Specialist
*Curator *Labor Relations Specialist *Public Speaker
*Customer Service *Lawyer *Publicity Assistant
*Desktop Publisher *Legal Assistant *Publisher
*Director *Librarian *Publishing Assistant
*Radio-TV Commentator *Sales Representative *Special Events Coordinator
*Radio-TV Newscaster *Sales/Service Manager *Speech Writer
*Reading Consultant *Script Reader *Sports Writer
*Reporter *Singer/Voice *Stockbroker
*Research Assistant *Teacher *Talent Agent
*Researcher/Pollster *Social Welfare Examiner *Teacher (all levels)
*Retail Sales *Social Worker *ESL Teacher
*Technical Consultant *Translator *Writer
*Technical Writer *Underwriter *Documentation Specialist
*Training Specialist *Video Scriptwriter/Producer
Look over the jobs. Almost all of them can be done without a college degree. Singing for instance is not something that you can do with an English degree. It comes with talent. Almost all the jobs listed are writing jobs. Do you realize how hard it is to become a published writer? why do you think so many attempted writers blow themselves away. The rest are all government jobs for people who can't do anything but claim they want to write, or believed their damn carear counselor in high school when they said that it was a ok to major in English; of course you'll have a job little girl. The world is perfect and California is full of affordable housing.
In other words, I have been fucked over for two years and spent 40,000 dollars in the process of doing it.
Remember kids, college is an excuse for people who have no skills to make money as professors...But if you don't get a piece of paper you'll end up at McDonalds. wait, even if you get the piece of paper in this economy you'll end up at McDonalds.
That's why I'm an Anthro major. Hopefully I won't be in this country after I graduate
I find the listing of Paralegal a little interesting. I am pretty sure that one requires some certification.
One place where I know English degrees has assisted people with other talents is in the video game industry. I know several designers and a few QA testers that have used there degrees to write massive dialogs (Torment 1000000+ words) in the former example and being able to trak down errors in the later.
My last English prof. had a day job where she would write to companies trying to get them to donate monies for whatever cause she was hired to promote.
I have heard but am unable to confirm that many CEOs for major corperation have degrees in English and many other have degrees in history. The English degree allows for as person to place thoughts ideas and beliefs in a coherant fashion in written from so that others may understand and in turn be swayed by the argument. (History allows a person to understand societal trends).
I am doing IT course work but was thinking about adding a technical writing course because I know I could write a better text book than the one for my networking class.