Interesting Mistakes:
Evidently my landlord noticed that Brendon has been here for a week. The big thing was, I had to move my bed across the room because evidently we were heard midcoitus the other day. Its kind of hard to explain the phrase "fuck me harder" when I'm the responsible college tenant.
My land lord was really cool about it. She wasn't going to say anything, but wanted to save me the embarassment of it happening again. She said she was glad Bren and I had a good sex life. I was all sorts of shades of lobster by the end of the conversation. Oooops
Evidently my landlord noticed that Brendon has been here for a week. The big thing was, I had to move my bed across the room because evidently we were heard midcoitus the other day. Its kind of hard to explain the phrase "fuck me harder" when I'm the responsible college tenant.
My land lord was really cool about it. She wasn't going to say anything, but wanted to save me the embarassment of it happening again. She said she was glad Bren and I had a good sex life. I was all sorts of shades of lobster by the end of the conversation. Oooops
Ha Ha when i lived with a few other ppl a coupel of years ago they used to walk past the door and yell for me and my then boy to be quite
quite embrasing

ps its a grate story for the kids lol