Sweet Jesus! So, I just got the internet again. I'm so sorry to all of you who I missed...I still love you I swear. Anyway, I'm back. This is great, I'm so excited.
I've seen NIN twice in the past six months.
My bf and my aniversary is November 26th
I'm going to Mideavil times (yes, I know its wrong, biatch) on Sunday
My stepsister is pregnant with twins
I moved into this great little apartment in Costa Mesa, CA. Its a studio in the back of a wonderful couple's house. Their daughter, Mia, is 2 and the sweetest little girl I've ever met. She renews my faith in children everyday. I'm still not ready for kids. I'll post pictures here in a bit. well, when I clean the place up a bit.
I'm sure I have a new nude photo set here somewhere.
I can't believe everything that happened with Hurrican Katrina. Its...there really are no words, in the words of Lord Chandos.
I've been reading nothing but Plato, Aristotle, and Sophocles for my literary theory class. Someone free me.
Again, I'm working 40 hours a week and going to school full time with 20 units. I am an over achieving geek to the max. I just happen to like to take my clothes off too.
Anyway, I'll up date more later.
Oh my God! Einzel, Apnea and Georgie left? wtf? They were my favorites.
I've seen NIN twice in the past six months.
My bf and my aniversary is November 26th
I'm going to Mideavil times (yes, I know its wrong, biatch) on Sunday
My stepsister is pregnant with twins
I moved into this great little apartment in Costa Mesa, CA. Its a studio in the back of a wonderful couple's house. Their daughter, Mia, is 2 and the sweetest little girl I've ever met. She renews my faith in children everyday. I'm still not ready for kids. I'll post pictures here in a bit. well, when I clean the place up a bit.
I'm sure I have a new nude photo set here somewhere.
I can't believe everything that happened with Hurrican Katrina. Its...there really are no words, in the words of Lord Chandos.
I've been reading nothing but Plato, Aristotle, and Sophocles for my literary theory class. Someone free me.
Again, I'm working 40 hours a week and going to school full time with 20 units. I am an over achieving geek to the max. I just happen to like to take my clothes off too.
Anyway, I'll up date more later.
Oh my God! Einzel, Apnea and Georgie left? wtf? They were my favorites.

your back

aren't classes so much fun?