Going to Maxwells (http://www.maxwellsnj.com) tonight to check out this band I have never seen..Hem(http://www.rabbitsongs.com) ..but my friend has an extra slot on the guest list so i guess i'll go--free music is always fun!
i *wish* i was the hot hot ND guitar player. prrrrrr!
used to go to the new school and then lived in brooklyn. so naturally i've been to maxwells.

today i imagined that i was riding my bike not in oakland but in brooklyn. i do so miss it. and for a brief period of time, oakland smelled like brooklyn, and there seem to be no difference in locations. ah. that was a nice bike ride.
There are a lot of pics of hot girls on this site but, I have to say, yours is probably the best. Your pic is the funniest thing that happened to me all day. Maxwells is the shit.
AHHHH i'm such a pussy. I have a cold and i went out to Don Hills last night to see my friends band and afterward we went to Black and White and bugged the Dj until about 2:30am and he gave us free drink tickets, come to think of it everyone was giving us free drink tickets..uggg and then we were little pigs and got...
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I almost went to blak and white last night, but I slacked out.
Small world.
you could outdrink me.

this is fact.

you've seen me drunk.

i'm a silly man.

anaardvarkonceaskedmeforadollar/ scott
Yay my mom came and visited me the other day and took me out to lunch and gave me a digital camera!!! I have been taking pics of everything!! its so much fun. My new pic is a creation from photoshop and my camera. I got a Nikon coolpix 4300. Hmm, its thursday how come friends never has any new episodes? boo hiss
you should update more biggrin

NY is neato, im coming back in less than a month, i may fly into jfk instead of SMALLbany, if this is the case, id like to visit for a day or two... let me know biggrin

coffeeisafoodgroupallinitself/ scott
Yeah!! Come stay!! We welcome friends to stay on our floor anyday. It will be fun. ohhh dan has an interview today..i hope he gets the job....its for a record label. woo hoo.
Yay my mom came and visited me the other day and took me out to lunch and gave me a digital camera!!! I have been taking pics of everything!! its so much fun. My new pic is a creation from photoshop and my camera. I got a Nikon coolpix 4300. Hmm, its thursday how come friends never has any new episodes? boo hiss
Awww yeah, i went out this weekend!! Friday night i saw they fought back and the drive up at the belt theatre on 37th st, odd little space, but it was a good show, they went on so late ..like 1:15am! Dan, my boyfriend almost fell asleep. I was so sleepy. And saturday i went to Don Hills--yayayaya! So much fun, my friend Eva and...
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Im nost sure which member of the drive my drummer gave it to, I think she had purple streaks in her hair...
Grrrrrr, Its Saturday night @ 12:28am and i'm a loser --i'm at home watching SNL and I wanna be out. My friend Eva was suppoused to go out with me, but shes a bum and shes sleeping and can't wake up. Boooooooooooo! We were gonna go to TISWAS at Don Hills and listen to good music all night, and Dan (my boyfriend) hates TISWAS and...
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this is true, but seriously, they need to get over ficherspooner allready, they play that song way too often. Than again, Im there too often. Oh and I aggree with your boyfriend, the indie rock boys are totally annoying. If I leave my girlfriend alone for a millisecond, theres like some scummy eurotrash asshole hitting on her in a really cocky degrading way. Ive totally almost gotten into like 50 fights there for that very reason. The flip side is, however, that they let my band play there, and lots of other smaller bands. They even let us open for a pretty big show, and there was a nice sized crowd there. The sound there is TOP NOTCH too.

So yeah on one hand, tiswas has annoying indie rock boys

on the other hand, it supports the local indie rock scene.

hmm, Im still there all the god damn time.
I went last night, my drummer gave one of our cds to the girl from the drive and 20 other random strangers. I have no idea what anybody looks like, sorry I didnt see ya.

Im playin tomorrow, come by cbgbs gallery if the mood strikes you.

hows your new band working out?
YAYAYAYAYA I saw interpol lastnight!! SUch a good show, i am going again tonight. They are playing at Irving Plaza---wow i love their music soo much. Today is saturday and finally its nice out, BUT i heard its going to snow again---will this winter ever end?! love
when is dan gonna get the mahoney site up?
when are you gonna get the jenny site up?
all these questions and more on the next geraldo.
It's funny, the drummer in Interpol used to work at Beacon's Closet, a thrift store in my neighborhood (Williamsburg) and I he was always very nice (sort of in contrast to the usual hipster retail clerk). I didn't know he was in Interpol until I saw them on Letterman one night. And on Matador no less...
Finally --the aftermath of fashion week is over. I have turned in all my buys, and now i can relax and just hope eveything i bought will sell! Ughh tonight i watched friends, will it ever NOT be a rerun? I hate TV, but i do have one thing to look foward to--six feet under starts soon. I luuuv that show. mm well i guess...
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no no no no
your thinking of the band that went on before us

Im friends with the person you are talking about, we actually got them that show, and they borrowed our equiptment for it, but all the same we are not them.

we were the band after them, the sort of mbv/sonic youth sounding outfit with the amazingly attractive guitar player who played a green rickenbacker (well that was me)

lmk more about your new project.
now for the random generic message, im going around my friends list asking for help with a TV show i'm writing. check out my journal to see what im talking about.

today is cleaning day. dan and i did laundry and dan steam cleaned the carpets (we have a dog). i'm going to start my band this week. i found a lot of promising musicians on craigslist.com it's definitely not gonna be a grrl rock band, not that i don't like girls that kick ass, i'm just sick of girls that think they kick ass that...
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aaahhhh! you name-pirate! [my realtime name is jen. haha.] and you have red hair TOO!! THE TREACHERY!! smile teehee. hi.

Good luck with the new band (not that the drive are bad) I saw you guys at cdbgbs last month or so (actually I played the same show later that night).

Where are you guys rehearsing ? Space is massively fucking expensive.
AHhhhh it was a snow day yesterday!! I didn't think i could get snow days anymore since i graduated school. it was so neat, i walked my doggie around in 20 inches of snow and visited some friends of mine that just moved to hoboken. fun day!
So what's the dickwad story RaggedyAnne?
Snow day! Hot damn! HOBOKEN!!!! Oooohh..I'm dyying...
(in my best Bugs Bunny voice) Remember that episode?