feeling better today. i was just a little stressed yesterday. all better now. looking forward to visiting home and MAYBE getting my lip re-pierced. we'll see.
School stress? Or just general shit? Actually, I sympathize with both. Sometimes I just want to go bang my head against the wall. Have fun at home and with the piercing.
I am just having a yucky time in general these days....I miss my old life, my old home, my family, my old friends, hell I miss having friends. I dont know many people out here. And the kids I adored in high school see me as a villain, an untouchable, or they've forgotten i exist.

Man I sound like one of those damn emo kids. "my pain is the greatest pain of all". I should stop before I give myself an aneurysm
mrow i'm going to smash my head into the wall. i am an angry kitty today. make this madness stop!
Why are you so angry? Are you ok?
we finally got a kitten....yay! his name is sid and he's dark with white paws and a tough little guy. i am in love with him already...
Awww! How cute!!
Your lucky! I want a kitten so badly!!! You should post a picture of him!
Well thanks for the concern guys, but I feel much much better this morning. It was only a 24-hour bug, I guess.

So here's my Halloween costume idea: short black slip, pink fairy wings, black tights with sparkly stars or pink tights if i can find 'em, black rollerskates, and a tiara. I guess it will be a demented fairy or something, I don't know....
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Awww are you going to post pics of you in your costume?
When are you going to post some more entrys????
Yucky.....i have some weird cold where the only symptoms are aches and a fever. I even had to miss a test today! Bleh.

I sure do whine a lot.
I'd be whining too, girlie.
Aww it's ok. Are you taking anything for this cold cause if your not you should be.
i did a lot of reading on borderline personality disorder and it turns out that all this weird shit that i feel all the time are symptoms of that. the fear of being by myself, the inconsistence in moods, the uncontrollable anger, paranoia, poor social adaptation, etc. are all classic symptoms. i feel like i finally know what's wrong with me. sigh. now i just...
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In every single city such as orlando there are places you can go for therapy that do the payments on a sliding scale so if you can't really pay anything you might just do a $5 to $10 copay also I have been dealing with depression for a very long time and at least for me all the therapy and meds in the world could not help and I had to learn to accept that this is who I am.

Dealing with things such as depression or bpd will be very very hard for you and there is never one easy fix.

If want to talk about this more my aim name is circuitswitchin
i'm okay now. the infection is all gone. so, true to my intelligent self, i'm gonna go get another piercing (maybe on the side this time) as soon as funds permit. maybe i'll just go get my labret done instead. who knows at this point?

i'm listening to a guns n roses cover of "heartbreak hotel". it just doesn't get any better.
Its good to hear that its all better and the infection is all gone!
thank you so muchly
Yuck my piercing hole closed up and trapped the infection inside my lip.....I need to do something and quickly. Holy lip infection, batman! Yeeee-ow!
You ever get to see Leftover crack live?

Its insane, I got bashed in the spine with a mike stand after a brawl broke out over money. Its funny that the promotors were trying to rip off Leftover Crack off all bands....
You ever get to see Leftover crack live?

Its insane, I got bashed in the spine with a mike stand after a brawl broke out over money. Its funny that the promotors were trying to rip off Leftover Crack off all bands....
Actually, my user picture is something I have been planning on getting a tattoo of for awhile. I'm trying to overexpose myself to it to make sure I won't get bored of , as it will be my very first tattoo.

Did you ever see Ghost World? In that movie Thora Birch gets a cat woman mask/hat and I want one so badly!!! Your picture reminded me...
yep i love that part.....whenever i go to fairvilla or other various porn shops i always gaze lovingly at the cat masks. sigh.......if only!
Actually, my user picture is something I have been planning on getting a tattoo of for awhile. I'm trying to overexpose myself to it to make sure I won't get bored of , as it will be my very first tattoo.

Actually, my user picture is something I have been planning on getting a tattoo of for awhile. I'm trying to overexpose myself to it to make sure I won't get bored of , as it will be my very first tattoo.

Another boring day. I really should sit down to study, I suppose. I've been doing fairly well with the first stage of the lucid dream thing, which is remembering and writing down all my dreams. I had a weird one last night involving chocolate cake, a family birthday party, my favorite cousin, and lots of pot. Madness!
I love your picture!
I also like your picture