I suppose I should update although I don't really know what to say. Up and down goes my mood. Beginning to think maybe that stupid psychiatrist was right when he said I had the beginning stages of bipolar disorder. I'm not ready to fully admit so yet though, and start going to therapy and taking meds again. I'm trying to be happy on my own for now, even if it isn't working so much anymore. School is stressing me out, and sharing a room is stressing me out.. so maybe when my sister moves out and my room is my own.. and I get more used to my school schedule.. it'll all be ok. I hope so at least. ... At least I'm still capable of hoping. Means I can't be that far gone... not yet at least. I think that is all for now, and I must revert to what my mother always told me, in reference to your comments, if you can't say anything nice, please don't say anything at all. Thank you for respecting me on that one. Love you all... byeeeeeee for now.
Did you get them from Torrid? I am looking for a pair with heels but I can't find them anywhere and I really don't wanna buy from an online source just in case they don't fit, etc.
Whatever you do, try not to get on those meds! I was on a couple different kinds (for general depression) and they made me more fucked up than when I wasn't on them. I just started being happy on my own.
Too bad I live so far away