Beethoven's Ave Maria is most possibly the most relaxing song on the planet. One of my friends sent it to me last night as I was freaking out. It's helping me be a bit more sane. That and I took the day off work. I'm sitting in my bed with no one else home (thank god for a quiet house) writing a paper and planning a lesson due this afternoon. If I make it through today I will be fine. I have all next week off from classes. This weekend I am getting obliterated in Canada with Crissy and our friend from Pittsburgh. I think I'm going to go make myself some Bailey's and coffee before I commense working on this lesson. Paper's down, just a 20 min discussion lesson on Plath's Lady Lazarus to go. (hah.. I'm leading discussion on a poem about suicide today as I contemplate it myself.. irony at its best).
I love Sylvia although she is a tad bit depressing. I hope that lesson went well! I've never made a lesson plan (as you don't have to actually do any student teaching over here to get a job teaching...ridiculous as it sounds) so I'm sure I'll be coming to with questions. I've never actually contemplated drinking alcohol as I do homework but I think that might totally relax me into actually completing the task (because, you know, I only have half of my thesis done and it's do in entirety on Dec.15...I'm such a slacker