Honestly don't know what the fuck's up with me anymore. I swear there must be days when I'm not completely depressed. Those ones just seem to fly by so fast though, and the ones when I'm miserable just last forever. I don't even know what to say anymore. There is most likely no reason for my misery.. but is there ever really? I doubt it.
More Blogs
Monday Oct 23, 2006
I can't deal with the possibility of change right now and yet change … -
Monday Oct 16, 2006
I've been majorly neglecting my poor little blog here. For those wit… -
Monday Sep 25, 2006
Thoughts.....(my reply to a conversation with a friend about their di… -
Monday Sep 18, 2006
Great trip to Pittsburgh this wknd. Trips to Pittsburgh are always a… -
Wednesday Sep 06, 2006
Classes started again. I can't believe I'm a senior in college alrea… -
Thursday Aug 24, 2006
Well..I'm really not trying to make this my complaint journal. I fin… -
Thursday Aug 17, 2006
Actually loaded a few of my pics from London/Paris. Check out the fi… -
Tuesday Aug 08, 2006
Honestly don't know what the fuck's up with me anymore. I swear ther… -
Monday Jul 31, 2006
London was... an experience. Completely not what I expected, but I l… -
Wednesday Jul 12, 2006
Well I leave for London on Saturday. I'll return on Saturday July 29…
You NEED to plan a trip out this way SOON! I take it the change of scenery in Europe didn't help much? I was hoping to see a happier you