Well aparently I've gone a week forgetting SG exists. SOrry my loves. I'm still not used to the new set up and my life's just been crazy lately. I'm still confused, but about bigger issues like god and life and death and all that jazz. Anyways.. I'm getting ready for London. I leave on July 15th and return the 29th. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go on a little getaway to Paris while I'm in Europe as well. I'd absolutely LOVE to see the Louvre while I'm semi-close to it. My grandma (from whom I've gotten my artistic talents) said that she will make sure I have proper funding to make it to Paris. I love her so much. I'm not really sure what else to say at the moment. I could complain about work for hours, but I'm sure everyone could do that. So I shall leave it at this. Love you all and I'll try to update more often. Gamma... love n miss you. It is absolutely neccessary that we chat soon.
Later loves.
Later loves.
So, needless to say I'm going to miss you while you're gone. I know I haven't been online much anymore. Usually it's first thing in the morning because by the time I get home from work and classes I'm just too damn tired to get online and chat. However, we will definitely chat it up before you leave. And, of course, most definitely when you come back.
I'm just soooo sick of the same old people, ya know? I'm sure once I stop returning phone calls and emails from these people they will finally get the hint. Or we can hope anyway!
I wouldn't mind a boob grab from you every now and then because at least you wouldn't treat them as if they were toys to be bounced around and fondled roughly, nor would you be so fascinated by them that they would be the first thing you'd want to see when we hung out