First day at the new job rocked!!
I love my coworkers and the clients are pretty cool!
One of my coworkers kicks ass, she lives in a closer suburb to Boston and said she'd take me in some weekend to see the city... which would rock since I'd be lost in Boston by myself
Old job sucks... I gave 2 weeks notice... called today to make sure they were not going to continue to take out insurence (which is $85 per pay period :mad
...and the bitch was like "I saw your letter, what is up with that?!?" The tone she took with me almost made me quit on the spot... mind you this is the HR lady at the office, I gave this letter to my supervisor 2 weeks ago saying the 30th would be my last officail day on the schedule but I would fill in as needed as long as it didn't interfere with my other new job. When I explained to my supervisor that I had gotten a 9-5 Monday-Friday job that pays like almost $4 more an hour and is like only 4 miles from my house rather than 16... she was like "Congratulations" then I talk to this other lady she was like "What's up with that?!" And when I explained to her the whole situation, beter hours, better pay, better location... she was like "Well you need to give me at least a month to replace you!" I said I could do September but only so long as it doesn't interfere with my new schedule, and if I am offered overtime at the new place she had better believe that I am going to take at because it would be more than double of what I am making there...
Anyway... sorry about the rant... new job good... great even... old job (which is still not that old, only like a month or so) fucking assholes!
I love my coworkers and the clients are pretty cool!
One of my coworkers kicks ass, she lives in a closer suburb to Boston and said she'd take me in some weekend to see the city... which would rock since I'd be lost in Boston by myself

Old job sucks... I gave 2 weeks notice... called today to make sure they were not going to continue to take out insurence (which is $85 per pay period :mad

Anyway... sorry about the rant... new job good... great even... old job (which is still not that old, only like a month or so) fucking assholes!
I think I will know something about a move relatively soon. Will explain more later.