I'm watching The Devil's Advocate... I love this movie!
Favorite lines...
Underestimated from day one. You'd never think I was a master of the universe, now would ya?
There's this beautiful girl just fucked me 40 ways from Sunday. When done she's walking to the bathroom, she's trying to walk. She turns, she looks, it's me, not the Trojan army just fucked her, little 'ol me. She gets this look on her face like how the hell did that happen. I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt, I'm a surprise Kevin, they don't see me coming. Al Pacino (John Milton)
Favorite scene...

Oh on another note... thinking of moving up the move date...
Favorite lines...
Underestimated from day one. You'd never think I was a master of the universe, now would ya?
There's this beautiful girl just fucked me 40 ways from Sunday. When done she's walking to the bathroom, she's trying to walk. She turns, she looks, it's me, not the Trojan army just fucked her, little 'ol me. She gets this look on her face like how the hell did that happen. I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's skirt, I'm a surprise Kevin, they don't see me coming. Al Pacino (John Milton)
Favorite scene...

Oh on another note... thinking of moving up the move date...
yeah, I still need to figure out how the heck Im getting there....

thats one of my favs too