let's see.. monday i have a doctors appointmet. good times!
tonight ive gotten 1000,000303 instant messages from idiots that want naked pictures of me. wtf? and calling me sexz/hottie wtf? ive NEVER been called that.
not much else going on right now..
ive decided that since my lip has healed im going to get more. the sides need it now..
QUESTION: i want verticals again i think. but what should i do??
tonight ive gotten 1000,000303 instant messages from idiots that want naked pictures of me. wtf? and calling me sexz/hottie wtf? ive NEVER been called that.
not much else going on right now..
ive decided that since my lip has healed im going to get more. the sides need it now..
QUESTION: i want verticals again i think. but what should i do??
I will be at the show Sunday and working second shift unless someone does not show up for the first shift. I am bringing my daughters to it because I only have them for that one night. They are 6 and 8. Hope to see you there.