last night/this morning was such the day. and i wonder to myself why i go on aol?
ive had like 1000,0000 instant messages about nude pictures and cybering and phone sex. wtf?
i thought saying "uhm i'm fat, why would i be naked in a picture" would scare them off, but NOOOO, made em bug me more.
ive watching Napoleon Dynamite 4 times since this morning. and last night i watched Very Bad Things twice yesterday.
favorite napoleon dynamite quote "I'm kinda TO"d because ah she hasnt sent me a full body shot yet"
i sooooo loved that part!
anyways i need to stop wanting sex without a relationship, i want it but i would never do it....!!!!
ive had like 1000,0000 instant messages about nude pictures and cybering and phone sex. wtf?
i thought saying "uhm i'm fat, why would i be naked in a picture" would scare them off, but NOOOO, made em bug me more.
ive watching Napoleon Dynamite 4 times since this morning. and last night i watched Very Bad Things twice yesterday.
favorite napoleon dynamite quote "I'm kinda TO"d because ah she hasnt sent me a full body shot yet"
i sooooo loved that part!
anyways i need to stop wanting sex without a relationship, i want it but i would never do it....!!!!
Sometimes I wear my SG shirt too.
I will be there.