so, this past weekend, jon finally finished playing parasite eve. woohoo! now all he's gotta do is play the ex game and he'll have finished it (which, if any of you have played the ex game, you know that beating parasite eve the first way through means you're not even halfway through being done with the game in its entirety). ah, the chrysler building... memories...
ANYway... we also finished watching azumanga daioh. that series was hilarious!! i loved it.
very awesome. i have so gotta read the manga.
[sakaki and tomo are lining up to race]
tomo: sakaki-san, your breasts are 8cm larger than mine, so move 8cm back.
~ azumanga daioh
i love sakaki. she was awesome. she was so cute with the way she loved stuffed animals and cute stuff in general, and it was soooo adorable with the wildcat and *huge smiles and lotsa giggles* it was great. and sakaki's breasts were... mmmmmm... so nice... they looked so big and soft and pillowy and... *goes into dream mode*
classes are... well, you know, classes. history is boring, but i'll muddle through it. i like my studio classes, because i enjoy you know actually doing stuff, so sitting in class and drawing is great. also, the studio classes have a relaxed atmosphere because the instructor is nice so the students can all talk and stuff. i hated it back in high school when my instructor wouldn't let us talk in art class because she said it would distract us and make us work slower and blah blah blah. whatever. having a friendly atmosphere in class is important, it helps students work better, which is actually exactly what my studio instructor this semester said. he said as the semester progressed the students would grow more comfortable around each other and so their art would improve. tadaa! see, is being intelligent so difficult? sigh.
ANYway... we also finished watching azumanga daioh. that series was hilarious!! i loved it.

[sakaki and tomo are lining up to race]
tomo: sakaki-san, your breasts are 8cm larger than mine, so move 8cm back.
~ azumanga daioh
i love sakaki. she was awesome. she was so cute with the way she loved stuffed animals and cute stuff in general, and it was soooo adorable with the wildcat and *huge smiles and lotsa giggles* it was great. and sakaki's breasts were... mmmmmm... so nice... they looked so big and soft and pillowy and... *goes into dream mode*
classes are... well, you know, classes. history is boring, but i'll muddle through it. i like my studio classes, because i enjoy you know actually doing stuff, so sitting in class and drawing is great. also, the studio classes have a relaxed atmosphere because the instructor is nice so the students can all talk and stuff. i hated it back in high school when my instructor wouldn't let us talk in art class because she said it would distract us and make us work slower and blah blah blah. whatever. having a friendly atmosphere in class is important, it helps students work better, which is actually exactly what my studio instructor this semester said. he said as the semester progressed the students would grow more comfortable around each other and so their art would improve. tadaa! see, is being intelligent so difficult? sigh.
btw we need to get together, i miss you love.