so i'm at jon's place, now. wee! and of course, he's at work. sigh. so i'm gonna start studying some of my art history and stuff soon.
i just finished eating some crab wantons. mmmmmm crab wantons are gooooood. very good. i love those things. and i'm drinking some green tea jon made me before he left. yummy
and i'm curled up in front of his computer, wearing the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing when i arrived. mmmmmm... it's nice and warm and soft and it smells like him. *smiles* i love this shirt. it's very comfy.
oh yeah, and i watched some strong bad emails since i'm here at jon's place and he has cable internet. living at home means i fall behind on homestarrunner stuff, because it's not fun to go to flash-heavy sites on a 56k connection. so yeah, i just finally saw dreamail. it was definitely amusing
jon ordered the silent hill 4: the room soundtrack for me on ebay, and it came in, so he gave it to me today
i'm listening to it, now. ah, "room of angel" is a really good song: sad, but beautiful.
here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
it was always you that i despised
i don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well
here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
~ "room of angel," silent hill 4 sdtk
supposedly, it's gonna snow tomorrow. oh goodie. sigh. i need to go art supply shopping tomorrow. anyway, i guess i'll go study, now. bleah. reading about the history of art promises to be boring. why can't i have to only take studio classes? hmph.
(oh, and make sure to read the sg journal entry i wrote at like 2am, 'cause it's got a great quote and a link to an amusing penny arcade comic
... i'm so used to livejournal where if i update fifty times a day it doesn't matter... no, i don't have a life.)
i just finished eating some crab wantons. mmmmmm crab wantons are gooooood. very good. i love those things. and i'm drinking some green tea jon made me before he left. yummy

oh yeah, and i watched some strong bad emails since i'm here at jon's place and he has cable internet. living at home means i fall behind on homestarrunner stuff, because it's not fun to go to flash-heavy sites on a 56k connection. so yeah, i just finally saw dreamail. it was definitely amusing

jon ordered the silent hill 4: the room soundtrack for me on ebay, and it came in, so he gave it to me today

here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
it was always you that i despised
i don't feel enough for you to cry, oh well
here's a lullaby to close your eyes goodbye
~ "room of angel," silent hill 4 sdtk
supposedly, it's gonna snow tomorrow. oh goodie. sigh. i need to go art supply shopping tomorrow. anyway, i guess i'll go study, now. bleah. reading about the history of art promises to be boring. why can't i have to only take studio classes? hmph.
(oh, and make sure to read the sg journal entry i wrote at like 2am, 'cause it's got a great quote and a link to an amusing penny arcade comic

I've kidnapped jenn and NO ONE can stop me.
mwahahahahaha. (evil laughter echoing in dark cavern-esque voice)
well ok so she came here of her own volition...
That song is really sad but i suppose poignant? hmmm it just feels like a song that has 'meaning' or a strength to it that I can't quite pin down.
Tomorrow, shopping? are you crazy? it's fucking snowing outside!!!
Take it easy,