wee! i drew a picture last semester, and last night i finally scanned and colored it.
it can be found both on my website and at my new deviantart page. here's the description i wrote for it for deviantart:
god only loves pro-lifers
this piece of art shows a sign that a pro-lifer actually held at a pro-choice protest (i read about it in the school newspaper). my disgust at what the sign said prompted me to draw this picture. the fact that the woman has four children and one unborn child is a depictment of the generalization that pro-lifers have like eight children each because they don't believe in birth control (it is of course a generalization and not necessarily true; i do not think all pro-lifers believe "every sperm is sacred" - yeah, i had to get the monty python reference in there). the clown adds the humor to the picture, and what the clown says is actually a quote from the cartoon "gary the rat."
just to make it clear: this picture does not represent my beliefs. whether i'm pro-choice, pro-life, or pro-shut-the-fuck-up, the world may never know.
let me know what you think of my picture
i love to get opinions and stuff. tho, any arguing about the abortion topic is totally not welcome.

it can be found both on my website and at my new deviantart page. here's the description i wrote for it for deviantart:
god only loves pro-lifers
this piece of art shows a sign that a pro-lifer actually held at a pro-choice protest (i read about it in the school newspaper). my disgust at what the sign said prompted me to draw this picture. the fact that the woman has four children and one unborn child is a depictment of the generalization that pro-lifers have like eight children each because they don't believe in birth control (it is of course a generalization and not necessarily true; i do not think all pro-lifers believe "every sperm is sacred" - yeah, i had to get the monty python reference in there). the clown adds the humor to the picture, and what the clown says is actually a quote from the cartoon "gary the rat."
just to make it clear: this picture does not represent my beliefs. whether i'm pro-choice, pro-life, or pro-shut-the-fuck-up, the world may never know.
let me know what you think of my picture

oh well. I guess I'll just have to write another solution to all the worlds problems.