So yeah...update time....once again I will say.......BUY THE PLAYING CARDS.....I myself have not had a chance to purchase them.....So pretend my wishlist is the SG shop.....the cards are awesome.........what else.......I am not sleeping enough.....stress sucks ass....I am never able to get ahold of the Zebra man....which really bums me out.......I havent been staying at home...I have been staying just about everywhere else....kinda like sleepaway camp...haha....too many projects...too little time......I finally got to meet someone that I had been speaking to for 3 was nice.....hmmmmm....I am hoping that you guys are all well in SG land....sometimes I prefer lurking here then anywhere else......hehe..thats right I am a lurker!!!!!......well ya all......PLAYING CARDS......that is it for now.......ummmm.....this entry is kind of boring...oh wait....nevermind....hahahaha

very very very much ....