okay...today I have been super moody..I think it is just one of those days....I miss Benni and Steve and I think that Zebra takes me too seriously sometimes....(I really dig the zebra!)..I just need a good cry and a bath...then I will feel better...you know when you overload your brain for like 3 months with shit and never really work it out in your head...then it just hits you?...I just need to get up and over it all....I think it will all work itself out as it usually does...I am hoping to do my set in the next few days...and I hope it gets accepted....I miss seeing Kaite on too...but I know she is a busy gal.....I think I am just having a case of the "missing people like crazy"....I ate some cereal today...this is odd because I havent eaten cereal in over 3 years...I dont really like it...but damn it was good!!..I think that tonight its Poltergeist....havent seen that in a while...it will be fun to watch.....maybe I will drink more of my delish peach water....in the meantime I will clean up a damn storm......I need to clean..its fun...I made my dentist appointment and my doc appointment...woohoo!!! Good times...I hope I have a cavity so they can fill it without any novacaine..I love that!!..yeah..I am a friggin loon...p.s..I am lovin Alisas new short hair...if you havent seen it you should go over and tell her how effin hot she looks...cuz...well...she does!!!!!I love you all and hope that you have a super weekend!!I wonder who is gonna be the new SGs this weekend..I love em all...but I am fiending for Karismics set..woot woot!
will someone tell me who this guy is?

hmm i'll be here till sunday the way this is going......
hope you are doing well ...where ever you are???
zebra misses his friend Jenni Rae