the 30th seems to be coming up way too fast....I really am not looking forward to Arkansas..but if I must go than I must go...I am hoping that there is more to do then drive tractors and look at all the chickens that are going to be killed...I am not vegetarian....but all my family out there are farmers....whether its chickens..pigs...cows....and even shit....maybe I can play a game with one of the Emu' kickboxing....they are cute..but mean fuckers...also I am not looking forward to the humidity and heat...I will end up a glod of mush on the floor.....that depresses me....bleh
In other news I have heard nothing of this big vegas happening...I really want to go to it...but I want a date already!!!!....I think I am supposed to be louie_the_Zebras date for this shindig......I don't know though....I am kind of mad at him for callin me Nomi..
JK.....if I go it will be a fun time I am sure...just to kick it with the zebra is fun....
Seattle cannot make its mind up about what kind of weather it wants to have....too fucking hot...or rainy as hell...its sort of pissing me off...I wake up thinking....yay nice day...then I get ready and the minute I walk out the door its raining..pisses me off
I have been knitting up a fucking storm...I think I need to calm down with the knitting....I will soon knit a cover for my entire house...just to see if I can do it..
for those wondering about my fishies name is Shlomo...I named him after my moms dogs vet...his name is Shlomo Finklestein.....ha...what a great name...I have two birds now as well...only one is names ...his name is Wifred....after the Quaker oats dude...Wilfred Brimley...I swear to god the bird looks like him...but in a cute bird way...
So my birthday is coming up....06-06-06......I say I deserve random gifts just for having my birthday fall on that horrible day.......I mean I seriously think a house will fall on my head or some shit.....its either really unlucky or lucky.....I am hoping the latter of the two....if anyone wants to check out my wishlist I will love you forever
I do not really discuss my personal life on here too much...only to a few souls that I know and trust...I am thinking of holding some kind of Auction......selling signed pics and dolls I make and such....I am doing it for my Stepfather...who has been in my life for well...ever.....he has cancer......very serious cancer....and I want the proceeds to go to him to help with the costs.....did you know that one session of chemo....just one time is around fifteen hundred hour =1500 smackers...for all of you that do not have health insurance....I seriously pray you go out and get it...that is how much it is for him and he has insurance......I couldnt imagine not having it.....I want all of you ladies and members to keep your health up......seriously....most states have special programs for those who cant afford it.....
well that is it for now kids....wish me luck with the whole melting like a snowcone in Hawaii thing....not looking forward to it....xoxo...jennirae....
In other news I have heard nothing of this big vegas happening...I really want to go to it...but I want a date already!!!!....I think I am supposed to be louie_the_Zebras date for this shindig......I don't know though....I am kind of mad at him for callin me Nomi..

Seattle cannot make its mind up about what kind of weather it wants to have....too fucking hot...or rainy as hell...its sort of pissing me off...I wake up thinking....yay nice day...then I get ready and the minute I walk out the door its raining..pisses me off
I have been knitting up a fucking storm...I think I need to calm down with the knitting....I will soon knit a cover for my entire house...just to see if I can do it..
for those wondering about my fishies name is Shlomo...I named him after my moms dogs vet...his name is Shlomo Finklestein.....ha...what a great name...I have two birds now as well...only one is names ...his name is Wifred....after the Quaker oats dude...Wilfred Brimley...I swear to god the bird looks like him...but in a cute bird way...
So my birthday is coming up....06-06-06......I say I deserve random gifts just for having my birthday fall on that horrible day.......I mean I seriously think a house will fall on my head or some shit.....its either really unlucky or lucky.....I am hoping the latter of the two....if anyone wants to check out my wishlist I will love you forever
I do not really discuss my personal life on here too much...only to a few souls that I know and trust...I am thinking of holding some kind of Auction......selling signed pics and dolls I make and such....I am doing it for my Stepfather...who has been in my life for well...ever.....he has cancer......very serious cancer....and I want the proceeds to go to him to help with the costs.....did you know that one session of chemo....just one time is around fifteen hundred hour =1500 smackers...for all of you that do not have health insurance....I seriously pray you go out and get it...that is how much it is for him and he has insurance......I couldnt imagine not having it.....I want all of you ladies and members to keep your health up......seriously....most states have special programs for those who cant afford it.....
well that is it for now kids....wish me luck with the whole melting like a snowcone in Hawaii thing....not looking forward to it....xoxo...jennirae....

you must be too fresh & tight to talk with now ...