ok ...I kind of want to go to prom.......not sure tho...need to do another set...but here is the thing...I NEED A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER....incase you have ever cruised to my picture folders...you will see that I am used to way better photography then that of my last set....the last one blew....photography wise......the setting was cool..my house..mwahahhhaha...the clothes and makeup good....just the photography blew.....any suggestions?.........oh yeah I AM going to Arkansas for sure for a lame ass family get together......and I have not been there since age 5 which as Louie the Zebra knows...thats a long ass time.....but fuck do you realize how fuckin hot it is gonna be in May!!!!!...we are talkin tractors and chickens ....pigs.....cows......the fuckin country.....and I hate the country for more then like a day......if you think I am a bit nutty from my last set...you should seee my new place...hahahaha
...its even creepier.....yay.......give me some ideas for people to take pics.....I think I am going to go sew some more creepy dolls now
I'm not up to date with your life but does callXmeXmorbid not do you photography anymore?