Hey everyone!
Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving or just your November in general!! I had the honor of hanging out with a bunch of amazing Suicide girls this Thanksgiving so I am super grateful for that!! Thanks to @elody and @ellia to opening their homes to us!! Also thanks to @sunshine for being the most awesome tour manager on the Blackheart Burlesque tour! (which I will also blog about in the near future) ;)
Anywho! onto the homework!!
My biggest pet peeves!?
As a naturally optimistic person I try to avoid thinking of my pet peeves... so let's see...
I know I recently tweeted about one of them...
Its disgusting hahaha I hate when a plate has peanut butter or almond butter or any kind of nut butter for that matter on it... it's put in the kitchen sink... and then you have to use a sponge on it... and it gets all wet and disgusting. LMAO
Another silly one I have is... when people don't dry themselves off before exiting the shower.. and they get the bathroom soaking wet.
Besides these completely irrelevant first world pet peeves.... my real pet peeves come from close-minded human beings.
I cannot stand people who don't treat everyone with the same respect.
I do not like people who manipulate for the fun of it, people who create dramas between people just to sit back and watch it like it's another reality show for their enjoyment. I do not like people who fuck with other people's lives unnecessarily.
I cannot stand the United States government. I cant stand the fact the weed is still illegal when if it was legalized it would reduce our drug crime rate by 80% and maybe cops could spend some of that time on worrying about shit that actually matters. Unfortunately for us... our government runs off whoever has the most money... apparently nothing is illegal if you have enough money to pay for it. Huge drug companies are killing thousands of people and laundering money and simply paying billions of dollars to the government to pretend everything is okay.. thousands of peoples lives depend on keeping things hush hush and pretending that marijuana should be a schedule 1 drug when in actuality there are ZERO reported deaths because of Marijuana... while millions of people die in our country due to legal drugs like alcohol, cigarettes, and prescription drugs that are considered schedule 4 drugs and of lesser danger than marijuana. It is a fucking joke.
This turned into a legalization of marijuana campaign. lol
Anywho that is all!
Whats your biggest pet peeve?