Today's woman has to deal with so much more than anyone ever thinks of at a photos glance.
I have worked with numerous woman over the years and a handful of hopefuls since I was introduced to SG. Many woman I have watched go up and down in weight and passion and motivation. To wake up and love yourself and be PROUD of whom you are is an amazing thing not many people will ever understand who have never had self doubt. Not everyone is born with an easy good life or the perfect body or even the thick skin to defend and beat off negativity.
I just have to say that I am PROUD of all the woman who have started on a path to find themselves. To shed the weight that has crept onto their body's and souls. To find the energy to get up early and hit that gym or find the motivation to change how they carry themselves.
Its easy to fall into a pattern of self hate no matter whom you are. However the road out is not an easy stone paved well lite road with water stands and the perfect weather.
To any woman {and men| who wake up and brush off the negative or walk off the let down of failure, or a hope SMILE today and be PROUD of YOURSELF. Cause for each of you who smiles in the face of adversity there are numerous others who are still hiding under their pillows or have given up completely.
This is an amazing blog on Self-Esteem that I recommend to any one and everyone.
I feel like allot of SG hopefuls & SG's get labeled like this by people who do not UNDERSTAND what SG is, why you are here, or what it means to you. Everyone on here has a reason all their own and some may be shallow others may be powerful, who are we and who are they and who are you to judge and look down upon anyone without knowing the reasons behind or meaning behind.
Here a couple images I find power in:

I have worked with numerous woman over the years and a handful of hopefuls since I was introduced to SG. Many woman I have watched go up and down in weight and passion and motivation. To wake up and love yourself and be PROUD of whom you are is an amazing thing not many people will ever understand who have never had self doubt. Not everyone is born with an easy good life or the perfect body or even the thick skin to defend and beat off negativity.
I just have to say that I am PROUD of all the woman who have started on a path to find themselves. To shed the weight that has crept onto their body's and souls. To find the energy to get up early and hit that gym or find the motivation to change how they carry themselves.
Its easy to fall into a pattern of self hate no matter whom you are. However the road out is not an easy stone paved well lite road with water stands and the perfect weather.
To any woman {and men| who wake up and brush off the negative or walk off the let down of failure, or a hope SMILE today and be PROUD of YOURSELF. Cause for each of you who smiles in the face of adversity there are numerous others who are still hiding under their pillows or have given up completely.
This is an amazing blog on Self-Esteem that I recommend to any one and everyone.
I feel like allot of SG hopefuls & SG's get labeled like this by people who do not UNDERSTAND what SG is, why you are here, or what it means to you. Everyone on here has a reason all their own and some may be shallow others may be powerful, who are we and who are they and who are you to judge and look down upon anyone without knowing the reasons behind or meaning behind.

Here a couple images I find power in:

Thank you for posting this! Very powerful words.
great blog, very inspiring