I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but my baby brother is on his way to Iraq.......he's a tanker, and he'll be 20 years old on Valentines Day.
Nick graduated army boot camp just before Christmas, and received orders to go to Germany. Once he got off the plane in Germany, he received new orders telling to hop a different plane to go to a different part of Germany. Now he is in some sort of holding area before he leaves for Iraq.
I'm sorta sad. I told my mom to tell him that he can come home at any time, and I'd send him the money to fly home NOW. My mom says that he's "not allowed" to leave. I don't care if he's not allowed, he's my little brother, and I don't want him fighting in a fucking war.
I am VERY proud of my little brother. He's the baby of the family, and has so much potential. He wanted to be a pilot, but didn't get enough aid for college, and my mom couldn't afford it. So, he joined the Army one day, THEN came home and told my mom about it. I'm just very proud of him. He's always been a good role model for Hunter. I never thought he'd be fighting in a war though.
Just asking everyone to say a little blessing to keep my little brother (Nick) safe.
Here are some photos.
This is Nick and Hunter (my son) in Tennessee, just a few weeks after I'd returned from an assignment in San Diego. This is xmas at my house 2005.

This is Nick and I, the moment after i'd arrived in TN from San Diego. We sat in my mom's garage smoking cigarettes and taking dorky photographs.

From left to right........my sister Tiffany, me, and my brother nick, again in the garage smoking, and taking photos.

Nick graduated army boot camp just before Christmas, and received orders to go to Germany. Once he got off the plane in Germany, he received new orders telling to hop a different plane to go to a different part of Germany. Now he is in some sort of holding area before he leaves for Iraq.
I'm sorta sad. I told my mom to tell him that he can come home at any time, and I'd send him the money to fly home NOW. My mom says that he's "not allowed" to leave. I don't care if he's not allowed, he's my little brother, and I don't want him fighting in a fucking war.
I am VERY proud of my little brother. He's the baby of the family, and has so much potential. He wanted to be a pilot, but didn't get enough aid for college, and my mom couldn't afford it. So, he joined the Army one day, THEN came home and told my mom about it. I'm just very proud of him. He's always been a good role model for Hunter. I never thought he'd be fighting in a war though.
Just asking everyone to say a little blessing to keep my little brother (Nick) safe.
Here are some photos.
This is Nick and Hunter (my son) in Tennessee, just a few weeks after I'd returned from an assignment in San Diego. This is xmas at my house 2005.

This is Nick and I, the moment after i'd arrived in TN from San Diego. We sat in my mom's garage smoking cigarettes and taking dorky photographs.

From left to right........my sister Tiffany, me, and my brother nick, again in the garage smoking, and taking photos.

I will think about him and you all I am a vet I know what you must be dealing with take care

aww! that would be great. What would you make?