My finger is soooooooo swollen! This Microdermal might be giving me more problems than it is fuckin worth. I went to see Deus today at Exposed Temptations so he could do a check on it and clean it up and he said it was just fucking shit! I cant bend my middle finger and it is so puffy the healing cap is almost engulfed by my finger! Now I am a tad apprehensive to get my clavicles and my chest ones done..... maybe I should just completely switch over to ink. I dont have near these probs with my tattoos. Heres my fat middle finger:

My wellness treatment guy was so concerned he did an Ion cleanse on my feet AND my hands to try to get the swelling down....look at this nasty shit that came outta me

Believe it or not there were heavy metals that came out of me, ewwwwww.
In OTHER, non nasty news, my dads birthday is tomorrow so I ordered him a cake, got him black balloons and ......welp thats about it. What do you get for a man that has everything? The had to cut my hours at work so I now have off tomorrow, so my plan is to pick up the cake at 11, pick up my little brother from skewl at 11 30 (so he doesnt have to ride the bus) and then take him to see Sweeny Todd.... then set up for my dad's party.
And last but not least, the count down is on people. It is 4 days til Xmas!

My wellness treatment guy was so concerned he did an Ion cleanse on my feet AND my hands to try to get the swelling down....look at this nasty shit that came outta me

Believe it or not there were heavy metals that came out of me, ewwwwww.
In OTHER, non nasty news, my dads birthday is tomorrow so I ordered him a cake, got him black balloons and ......welp thats about it. What do you get for a man that has everything? The had to cut my hours at work so I now have off tomorrow, so my plan is to pick up the cake at 11, pick up my little brother from skewl at 11 30 (so he doesnt have to ride the bus) and then take him to see Sweeny Todd.... then set up for my dad's party.
And last but not least, the count down is on people. It is 4 days til Xmas!
I stay strictly ink. I got my nipple ring tore out once. That's good enough for me.
i did pretty well on my first entrance exam. i have one more to go. i may take it late next week.