Laptop- Status: back in my possession with no way to connect to the wireless internet, fuck me.
Job- Status: suckin like always but now so is my paycheck. off all week, cleaning up my life so the next douche can come along and fuck it up...ah ha ha ha just kidding...... i m trying to make up my homework and declutter my bedroom for some feung shui
School- Status: maybe failing. not sure because since i dont have the internet on my computer i cant submit my homework. profs think im lying and im too cocky to just show them the damn recipt from the computer dr. fuckem who needs a grade anyway.
Single LIfe- Status: fuckin fab. been goin out with my girl mary and the other night a guy that looked alot like ricky marting picked me up. he paid for both mine and mary's tab so i gave him a kiss- of course he wanted more so i left him with a woody in the parking lot. poor fuckin cocky marine. maybe the next one will be better
My Ex- Status: fell off the face of the earth- although you can still find his profile on hot or not lmao I hope his ass falls off the boat into the fuckin tigris river..punk
Im off to class!!
Love ya bitches!
Job- Status: suckin like always but now so is my paycheck. off all week, cleaning up my life so the next douche can come along and fuck it up...ah ha ha ha just kidding...... i m trying to make up my homework and declutter my bedroom for some feung shui
School- Status: maybe failing. not sure because since i dont have the internet on my computer i cant submit my homework. profs think im lying and im too cocky to just show them the damn recipt from the computer dr. fuckem who needs a grade anyway.
Single LIfe- Status: fuckin fab. been goin out with my girl mary and the other night a guy that looked alot like ricky marting picked me up. he paid for both mine and mary's tab so i gave him a kiss- of course he wanted more so i left him with a woody in the parking lot. poor fuckin cocky marine. maybe the next one will be better
My Ex- Status: fell off the face of the earth- although you can still find his profile on hot or not lmao I hope his ass falls off the boat into the fuckin tigris river..punk
Im off to class!!
Love ya bitches!
the sunshine you bring is amazing.

you are too cute <3.