Where have all ghe good men gone?
There is seriously something that is wrong
with the way men allow other men to treat women.
To have your friend hit a girl
and not beat him in to oblivion
should be considered a sin.
Back in my dad's day
when everything was sweet and men were okay
they would have bloodied his ass and left him to dry
and think about if he was gonna try
to disrespect any one else, no matter their sex.
So now what? Whats next?
Women becoming professional boxers so they can play with rest?
And we are asked where our femninity has gone
down the shitter with men's respect for us and thier wrong
behavior of when they do something they know is not right
and when it ends up in a fight
now they come together like theives
and dont stand up for the truth.
So I say to you, Its not me, Its you
that asked to have the punishment brought on you
and be labled a fool
for your mother would be proud I am sure
of her son who hits girls.
Beat me, slap me, insult me, you know its wrong
and that I am right for writing this long
note of how I feel
that men in shining armour are no longer real.
And who do we have to thank for that? you-
for you have no idea the wrath God will bring upon you.
May God have mercy on your soul.
(I got slapped in the face by this drunk asshole for no reason {I was ignoring him and I guess he didnt like that} so this is my lil tribute to him...and to the other guys there who did nothing, didnt beat his ass, repremand him nothing......fuck all the men that dont stand up for women and consider themselves a knight in shining armor)
There is seriously something that is wrong
with the way men allow other men to treat women.
To have your friend hit a girl
and not beat him in to oblivion
should be considered a sin.
Back in my dad's day
when everything was sweet and men were okay
they would have bloodied his ass and left him to dry
and think about if he was gonna try
to disrespect any one else, no matter their sex.
So now what? Whats next?
Women becoming professional boxers so they can play with rest?
And we are asked where our femninity has gone
down the shitter with men's respect for us and thier wrong
behavior of when they do something they know is not right
and when it ends up in a fight
now they come together like theives
and dont stand up for the truth.
So I say to you, Its not me, Its you
that asked to have the punishment brought on you
and be labled a fool
for your mother would be proud I am sure
of her son who hits girls.
Beat me, slap me, insult me, you know its wrong
and that I am right for writing this long
note of how I feel
that men in shining armour are no longer real.
And who do we have to thank for that? you-
for you have no idea the wrath God will bring upon you.
May God have mercy on your soul.
(I got slapped in the face by this drunk asshole for no reason {I was ignoring him and I guess he didnt like that} so this is my lil tribute to him...and to the other guys there who did nothing, didnt beat his ass, repremand him nothing......fuck all the men that dont stand up for women and consider themselves a knight in shining armor)
He should of been taken out right then and there.
Fuck him and fuck them. You're completely right about how men treat women like shit, then wonder why girls don't act like girls. These days, you need to get in someone's face to get any respect, then 99% of the time they call you a bitch anyway.