it's been a crazy work week and a half or something. i almost made overtime last week and hardly got to see my wifey, then on sunday my co-worker,eve, had a big fall and i had to call the paramedics. there was a huge line of customers on DT and in the cafe and one of the espresso machines was was a mess. the paramedics were in the back room while customers were demanding coffee. i wanted to shoot myself. but we got through it somehow. we had to stay almost 2 hours after closing to clean. it was just a real shit day, apart from the accident. i'm really in need of a day alone with my girl. no work or visitors or nothing to do. just lay in bed naked all day and eat candy. thats all i want.
she's at work now, so i'm drinking alone.
she's at work now, so i'm drinking alone.
Hugs, Hope it all gets better soon.