Soooo much drinking and partying with the geo's lately, thought I'd post some pics!!!!
We went on a pub crawl to fundraise for grad and it was soooo fun! Thanks Tink for organizing it

Of course, I can't forget to mention St Patties Day, which is always a blast! The geo crowd put on a party at the Powerplant with cheap beer and music allll night! Celtic music and some good ol' heavy rock from my bf's band, Perilous Seas! Still recovering from that night..... Plus I had a blast with Gen and sgtsnarky, who's always fun to hang out with!

We went on a pub crawl to fundraise for grad and it was soooo fun! Thanks Tink for organizing it

Of course, I can't forget to mention St Patties Day, which is always a blast! The geo crowd put on a party at the Powerplant with cheap beer and music allll night! Celtic music and some good ol' heavy rock from my bf's band, Perilous Seas! Still recovering from that night..... Plus I had a blast with Gen and sgtsnarky, who's always fun to hang out with!

Looks like I'm trying to make out with you in all of them.
....Sorry about that.
I had a blast, though, from what I DO remember.
You're awesome, and I hope we can hang out again soon.
If you can, you should send me those pictures. Please and a-thank you.
I, um, bought two tickets. Just right now. And if you want it, I'm offering you the first dibs to be my date.
Let me know. The show is in May, so, y'know, hopefully we won't forget about it.