So I figure true power is the revelation that only you have the power to let anybody else have power over you. Pseudo-power is the false power of scared men going through the socially programmed scared motions of being scared human beings in a scary universe. And the cosmic egg? Well, it is cracked wide open at this point.
If this thing we call “life” is indeed a test, then it must be a test of our sense of humor and our sense of playfulness, because from the inside looking out it is all ridiculously laughable. But that’s also what makes it so devastatingly beautiful. It’s what tears us apart with cosmic joy and earthly jouissance.
It’s what has us caught up in the tug-of-war between spirit and flesh, between loving and letting go, between infinity and finitude.
So, on that note I'm getting my butt out of bed and looking forward to what today shall bring :D
Hope you all have an awesome day too!
Jennicide <3