I love the girls I work with. I really do, but every so often they say or do something that aggravates me.
While on our break one morning, the girls and I were sitting around reading magazines. The youngest of us- let's call her Marsha- looks at a picture of two models, a disgusted look on her face, and says, "Ew! I never want to be THAT skinny! You can see her ribs."
Now, let me just clarify that the model in question looked perfectly fine. Her arms were stretched out above her head, and anyone who has ever looked at themselves when they do the same knows how their body transforms. The stomach is lifted up and inward and it can make thinner girls look even more thin. So Marsha's comment was not only based on the assumption that exposed ribs= "too thin," but it was shaming at its finest.
But that wasn't even the issue I had. I said to her, "How do you think she would feel if you said that to her as she's standing in front of you?" Marsha responded with only a nod and the conversation ended.
I stopped to imagine how the model lives her daily life, knowing she's expected to be thin or she won't be offered any jobs. Does she love herself the way she is? Does she know how beautiful she is? Or do the opinions of people like Marsha wear her down?
I would never tell a woman that she's too thin or too fat. Hell, how can anyone be "too" any weight? We have to cease the constant fire on each other. I understand there are illnesses synonymous with weight, but is that really anyone's business but their own? You really never can tell by looking at a picture what someone's story is.
You , sitting there reading this, you are amazing no matter what your size. So is the person next to you (if there is one). If there isn't anyone, shoot someone a text or Facebook message; tell them how beautiful they are. I bet it would make their day.
We cannot make progress by shaming other's bodies. Be the change you want to see in the world, and remember: weight cannot measure the content of your character.