So, I've been enrolled to a gym close to where I live for a few months now, and I just started getting back into exercise from a month long hiatus. I'm going to seem like a total creep, but I love people watching while I work out; seeing how hard they're working, guessing what their stories are and what their reasons for getting up in the morning and dragging themselves to the gym.
There's always your typical lunks with the muscle tees and gallon water jugs, grunting as they push 300 lbs of dead weight above their heads. They seem empty, almost, like they lack substance. I don't ever pay too much attention to them.
I absolutely adore the men and women who are.. er.. More out of shape than most. LOVE them. I can see the dedication in their eyes. I can tell they're sick of those multiple X's in their clothing. It's always so tempting to walk up to them and tell them how badass I think they are. I hope they know that they're worth so much more than the skin that they're in.
I think my favorites, though, are the old timers. Hell, I hope I'm that spunky and agile when I'm pushin' eighty! I was jogging beside this one gentleman who was actually running a bit faster than I was, his jumpsuit drenched in sweat. He looked like death after a few minutes but he kept going. I was just so in awe.
I'm not really sure where I was going with this, but I felt so happy and motivated that I HAD to share. Sometimes everyone sucks, but if you take the time to notice the little things, you will be amazed at what you discover. vibes.