Any fellow Lushies out there (and no, I do not mean fans of Lush Suicide, but I'm up for that discussion any time)? I seriously feel like I'm the only person on my side of the country who is obsessed with all things LUSH.
I have this habit of spewing my adoration of it to anyone unfortunate enough to get a glimpse of my monthly haul :x It's a mystery why nobody has asked me to kindly shut the fuck up yet LOL
And if you don't know what LUSH is.. I feel sorry for you
Use the Google machine to figure it out. Be warned! Once you try one product, you're hooked for life!
I have this habit of spewing my adoration of it to anyone unfortunate enough to get a glimpse of my monthly haul :x It's a mystery why nobody has asked me to kindly shut the fuck up yet LOL
And if you don't know what LUSH is.. I feel sorry for you

I had to Google it, and if it's Lush makeup that you're thinking of, we don't have it here. That's a pity, it looks pretty amazing. 

I wonder if they would ship to your area at all? It's so worth a try